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  鲁智深-倒拔垂杨柳/大闹五台山   史进-大闹史家村   武松-醉打蒋门神/血洒鸳鸯楼/景阳冈打虎   林冲-风雪山神庙(楼主你说的那个逼上梁山说的太直白)   时迁-夜盗金锁甲   杨志-怒刀斩牛二   李逵-元夜闹东京   燕青-打擂北京城   石秀-跳楼劫法场   宋江-舍命报急讯/三打祝家庄/义领梁山泊/荡平曾头市   卢俊义-威震曾头市   花荣-神箭大闹清风山   张清-飞石打英雄   张顺-凿破泥鳅船   戴宗-神行梁山送密书   楼主我就给你写这么多好了,梁山一百单八位好汉,全写过5424来,要累死我了.   我也是水浒的超级爱好者.,






  很普通但非常有用的一句话:   不断广泛学习,不断提升自己的能力。   3447可说是命由心造,   你是怎样的人。就会吸引类似的人?   (可以向《欢乐颂》的安迪学习。学习能力是持续广泛阅读并思考培养出来的,)!


  净空法1607师---念这一句阿弥陀佛,什么样的坏命运都能转过来     我们每个人在一生当中、有五年最好的运!也有五年最坏的运,所以年轻的时候运气不好,要能扛得住;好运要是早享掉了!晚年享坏运、那就很悲惨!   说实在的话、真正要8739想命好、就要修德、积功累德。决定可以改造命运!命是自己造的。命自己可以改,要找别人来给你改命运,那是错误的,是假的、佛法是破除迷信、破迷开悟,我们要有智慧,千万不要迷信!你要想真正改变命运。佛法是最好不过的?“佛氏门中。有求必应”!这是真的,不是假的。你懂得理论。懂得方法、如理如法地求?有求必应;你不懂理论,不懂方法!盲修瞎练,决定求不到,   总而言之!一切法里面、念这一句阿弥陀佛!就全都包括!这妙极了!可是这个事情几个人肯信?没有人相信。念这一句阿弥陀佛,什么样的坏命运都能转过来、可是很少人能相信,很少人能照做。他不晓得这一句佛号功德之大!   敬请常念:南无阿弥陀佛   下面是念老的话、「盖言,持名心无散乱者」,这个心无杂乱现在要养成。到临终来不及,平时就要养一个不散乱的心、怎么不散乱?心里面有阿弥陀佛?口里头有阿弥陀佛,对于念佛、一定要知道念佛功德。你在世间干什么样的好事。《金刚经》上的比喻好!以大千世界七宝布施,这还得了、不是一个地球!大千世界,   一个银河系是一个单位世界。一个大千世界有十亿个单位世界!换句话说,十亿个银河系的七宝你拿去布施做好事。不如四句偈3608功德大,可以说无量四句偈法布施的功德,不如念一句阿弥陀佛!我这个比喻是真的不是假的!没人知道。所以大家把念佛疏忽了!多可惜!佛门古代里1767面文字的记载。多少学佛人在急难的时候。一句阿弥陀佛、化解了、一句南无观世音菩萨。灾消了,这些记载的文字很多,不是假的、不是骗人的、为什么不肯念佛?   你在我这个会上!我们是无量寿法会!真正把这个意思听懂。听明白了。你的问题解决了、讲到最后,就是一句佛号!你问我!我早晚散步、一步一声佛号!没有白走路。无论干什么事情!不用头脑的、干事情也念佛号、心里头默念、不出声音!得真干!分秒必争,我这一秒钟没有念佛。这空过了。这多可惜!这一句佛号里头含藏无量功德、为什么?它是十方三世一切诸佛如来的通号,念这一声佛号就是所有诸佛如来全念到!   这句佛号里头。里面包含的是十方三世无量无边诸佛如来无量劫所修习的功德、一个也不漏。没人知道。没人讲,学佛不念佛就错了。大错特错!一生的法布施,抵不过一句阿弥陀佛、句句是实话!千万不要看轻、千万不要胡思乱想!胡思乱想是造轮回业、我们的目的是出离轮回、求生净土!造轮回业,临命终时怕有障碍!你去不了,这比什么都要紧!,




  This is a true story. However, in order to respect the wishes of the text in the main character, the per capita for all of the alias.   It is about 1984, that year's college entrance examination, but a small fraction Chow is just taking the line that time, not as a result of the promotion of "education industry", University of Health do not accept at their own expense (but that there is a trick at their own expense, students can not read small Zou), but to acknowledge the reality of small Zou: failed. Small Zou grew up in rural areas from an early age, childhood, his group (now referred to as the "village" - the author note) to a group of mountains of the educated youth to the countryside, the village closed to bring the outside information, he likes and Flying Chat youth pull from that, "the outside world really exciting." The late seventies, educated youth are gradually返城, he remembered a friend of a youth sentence for his farewell message, "for university, university whether it is to wear shoes to wear straw sandals and a watershed" . So he studied hard, in order to change the destiny. However, fate did not favor him, the unsatisfactory results of college entrance examination, he cried after the father to work in the fields of labor.   Here I must mention the class of small Zou high teacher. High the teacher is a mountainous commune in northern Fujian (now referred to as the "Township") of secondary school teachers, teaching in the mountains for many years and has rich experience in teaching. With high teacher observation of small Zou, he keenly felt and small Zou is a potential and future students: study hard for continuous improvement. The success of this test may be unable to test in the examination room with his poor play on the spot, and if so to give up the pursuit and return to rural farmers, then pity. Thus specialized high teacher Zou visited the small home, with small Chow, made it clear that the parents are willing to let free of charge to schools to small Zou, "melted down" to learn in his classes, his personal counseling for university tomorrow. In this way, the small commune of Zou and again to the secondary schools, began a critical study of life.   Zou in small schools, the teachers room and board in high-home, daytime classes, evening, marking the high student teacher in the operation after the tutorial for small Zou. There is also a daughter of high teachers, but also the teacher of that class读高三high. The same class during the day and at night with small Zou together under the guidance of a teacher in high school review. Over time, small Zou and high teacher's daughter had a hazy love (first love). Found high teacher does not like other parents, as gross interference in, or back to the small Zou, but quite frankly a little Zou and his daughter called him, told them: "You were in love, I have no objection to , but you only after both the university, I will agree to marry you. " Inspired by the teacher, the teacher of small Zou and high daughter on to exhort each other to study hard. A year later, both university and small Zou admitted to the Xiamen University, the high teacher's daughter was admitted to a Fujian Normal University, everyone is happy.   Since Zou and not the teacher's daughter, a university study, "love" a feeling of indifference. Finally, commensurate with their brother and sister on.   Small Zou graduated from university that year, China has just taken place in a "student movement" was Beijing University, Qinghua University and other key most of the graduates did not stay in Beijing (all left Beijing), a result, this small Zou Xiamen University graduates, on the natural "supplement" assigned to Beijing, in a large state-owned enterprise when the secretary, soon to become a newspaper reporter.   Later, small Zou in Beijing Beijing to find a girl in love, get married before and his girlfriend small Zou (Beijing girl) went to his home (in a remote mountain in northern Fujian) called on parents, at home after two days that he would no longer be able to live his girlfriend, and talking about back to Beijing, the reason is very simple, rural life is so harsh that it is dirty, she is unable to adapt to ... .... They rushed back to Beijing. After they married, the wife of a small Zou (Beijing is that the girl) for small Zou said that your parents live in rural areas so hard, should they receive them from Beijing. Thus, they received small Zou Beijing parents live. But also the younger brother of the small Zou mountainous northern Fujian received from Beijing, now the younger brother of the small Zou worked in Beijing.   A person reading, "to get ahead," so the whole family are "dipping." Knowledge to change the fate of ah!!







