畅意阁 >风水知识


  高血脂症的饮食原则是“四低一高”即低热量,低脂肪,低胆固醇!低糖。高纤维膳食。   一。主食以米。面为主。可适当食用粗杂粮,如燕麦、麦片,玉米面等、因为这些食物中有较多的无机盐、维生素。又富含膳食纤维,膳食纤维具有减低血糖作用,对控制血糖有利。   二,多食海鲜鱼类。尤其是海鱼降脂作用更佳。   三。蔬菜水果亦有降脂作用,如玉米,土豆!绿茶!牛奶。南瓜、黄瓜!茄子!苹果等。注意烹调中多用植物油。少用或不用动物油!   四、多食豆制品。因为豆制品中不含胆固醇。含有的大豆蛋白又能显著降低血清总胆固醇。低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯的水平。   五。多食大蒜、洋葱亦降脂、大蒜有舒张血管?抗血小板凝集和阻止胆固醇的生物合成作用、并兼有杀菌解毒作用,洋葱有降血脂和抗动脉硬化作用!对高血压病人还有降血压作用、   六!坚持适量的体力活动:体力活动量需根据原本身体情况而定,要循序渐进,不宜勉强作剧烈运动!每天最好坚持不短于30分钟的活动!可"一次性完成"或3197分3次进行、每次10分钟、依个体条件进行跳绳,保健体操!打太极拳。骑车,步行!修花剪草!拖地,干家务等,   七。释放压抑或紧张情绪:慢性忧郁或持续的紧张!可刺激交感神经兴奋、0567易致心跳快速!血管收缩。血压上升,血流减少!!


  高血脂症的病因!基本上可分为两大类,即原发性高血脂症和继发性高血脂症。而原发性高血脂症是由遗传和饮食因素引起的。高脂蛋白血症患者住院中有相当大的比例是与饮食因素密切相关的,   饮食注意事项:   1.主食一般以米。面为主,但是、我们比较喜欢粗杂粮。如燕麦、麦片,玉米面等。因为这些食物中有较6484多的无机盐!维生素!又富含膳食纤维!膳食纤维具有减低血糖作用。对控制血糖有利。尤其是长期饮用不上火的苦荞茶!对于降低高血糖。高血脂,高血压有很好的食疗作用?  6060 2.血糖高患者的蛋白质来源!大豆及其豆制品为好,一方面、其所含蛋白质量多质好!另一方面、其不含胆固醇!具有降脂作用!故可代替部分动物性食品!如肉类等,   3.在控制热量期间!仍感饥饿时,可食用含糖少的蔬菜,用水煮后加一些佐料拌着吃!由于蔬菜所含膳食纤维多,水分多。供热能低,具有饱腹作用。是糖尿病0624患者必不可少的食物、   4.禁用食物有:白糖?红塘!葡萄糖及糖制甜食!如糖果,糕点。果酱、蜜饯!冰激凌!甜饮料等!另外、含碳水化合物较多的土豆。山药。芋艿!藕,蒜苗、胡萝卜等少用或食用后减少相应的主食量。   5.富含饱和脂肪酸的猪油、牛油!洋油。奶油,黄油等少用!最好不用!可用植物油代替部分动物油!花生!核桃!芝麻!瓜子中含脂肪也相当多、尽量不吃或少吃或减少油类摄入,   6.蛋黄和动物内脏如肝,脑。腰等含胆固醇相当高。应尽量少用或不用、   7.水果中含葡萄糖、果糖!能使血糖升高、故在血。尿糖控制相对稳定时,空腹血糖<7.8mmol/L或餐后2小时血糖<10mmol/L时。可在两餐或临睡前食用。但也要减少相应主食、   8.酒类,主要含酒精,产热高,而其他营养素含量很少。故不饮为宜,   9.血糖高患者的饮食除控制总热卡外、还应做到食品4324多样化,但因为限制糖、盐、使菜肴味道较单一。针对这一点、市场上生产了多种甜味剂如甜味菊,甜味糖,其不产热!不含任何营养素,近两年有一种甜味剂为蛋白糖。其有氨基酸组成。也不产热,无任何副作用,8082是目前较理想的甜味剂,如纽特糖。元真糖!   10.对于胰岛素依赖型的患者,同样需要在医生和营养师的指导下严格执行饮食控制,对肥胖合并有高血压、冠心病的糖尿病患者、除了较严格的饮食控制外?忌食动物内脏!蛋黄,鱼子等、严格控制动物油如黄油!猪油、牛油等、其中的饱和脂肪酸对预5361防动脉粥样硬化不利,   11.对于合并肾脏功能不全的糖尿、


  1!间质性肾炎应该多漱口!口6921唇干燥者可涂护唇油!   2、指导间质性肾炎患者识别并及时报告体温异常的早期体征和表现!   3、中老年人如果患有间5052质性肾炎常常会感到双腿酸软!小便频繁!腰酸背胀、精神不振等!一般是因为肾脏发生了病变、应选用红豆。玉米食用!对肾病有好处!但胡椒。花椒!浓茶、浓咖啡等刺激性食物应该禁用。   4。肾病病人必须要忌盐,尿量少或水肿时。除服药外。可选用一些具有利水适用的食物。如冬瓜止渴。利小便,主治小腹水涨,冬瓜皮煎汤代茶利水消肿作用?丝瓜有利尿消肿,凉血解毒的作用。   5、间质性肾炎病人应该多喝水, 并且在饮食方面要给予易消化的高热量、高蛋白!清淡的半流质食物, 出汗后要更注意保暖。及时的更换衣被。口唇干燥者可涂护唇油。   6,限制蛋白质:间质性肾炎发病3天~6天,2980肾小球滤过率下降?会产生一过性的氮质血症!因此应限制蛋白质饮食,在限制的范围内应设法选食优质蛋白质食物!如牛奶。鸡蛋,瘦肉。鱼等、   7、低盐低钠饮食:有浮肿和高血压的病人应采用低盐,无盐或低钠膳食,低盐膳食一般每日用食盐小于3克或酱油10毫升~15毫升!凡含盐多的食品均应避免食用、如咸菜,泡菜!咸蛋,松花蛋,腌肉、海味,咸面色。挂面6197等均应避免、   8!限制高钾食物:当出现少尿。无尿或血钾升高时。应限制含钾丰富的蔬菜及水果,如黄豆芽、韭菜。青蒜!芹菜!菜花、香椿、菠菜!冬笋!春笋,百合。干红枣,鲜蘑菇,紫菜。榨菜,川冬菜,玉兰片!冬菇,杏,藕。高粱、玉米,扁豆。蕃茄。丝瓜。苦瓜等,   9,限制入液量:应根据每天的尿量多少来控制入液量、一般的补充方法是除补充前一日排出尿量以外,再多摄入液9320体500毫升~1000毫升,如果尿量少或伴有浮肿者。每日摄入的液体量应不超过1000毫升。   10。供给适量热能和脂肪:急性肾小球肾炎的病人应卧床休息!但热能不要过高。脂肪的含量不宜多!成人每日约105千焦耳~126千焦耳(25千卡~30千卡)/公斤体重、!


  公历5月30日是金牛……………………受教了   日双子   月水瓶   水巨蟹   金巨蟹   火金牛   木天蝎   土双鱼   天摩羯   海摩羯    冥天蝎   上升星座白羊   天顶星座摩羯   福点双子   凯龙处女   谷神双子   智神白羊   婚神天秤   灶神金牛   北交天蝎   南交金牛!


  白羊座:3月21日~4月20日 (Aries)   金牛座:4月21日~5月21日 (Taurus)   双子座:5月22日~6月21日 (Gemini)   巨蟹座:6月22日~7月22日 (Cancer)   狮子座:7月23日~8常23日 (Leo)   处女座:8月24日~9月23日 (Virgo)   天秤座:9月24日~10月23日 (Libra)   天蝎座:10月24日~11月22日 (Scorpio)   射手座:11月23日~12月21日 (Sagittarius)   摩羯座:12月22日~1月20日 (Capricorn)   水瓶座:1月21日~2月19日 (Aquarius)   双鱼座:2月20日~3月20日 (Pisces),


  属狗的属相婚配表   属狗宜配的属相:虎!兔!马大吉、天做之合,处处成功!福碌永久,家运昌隆!   属狗忌配的0701属相:羊,龙、鸡。牛、灾害垒起!钱财散败!一生艰辛、事与愿违、   属狗的属相婚配表解释:戌狗与卯兔六合。因此最宜找个属兔的对象、此乃上上等婚配。其次是与寅虎午马三合、故也宜找个属虎属马的!此乃上等婚配。戌狗与辰龙相冲。故最忌找属龙的!此乃下下等婚配。戌狗又与未羊丑牛构成三刑,故不宜找属羊属牛的、此乃下等婚配?戌狗又与酉鸡相害!故不宜找属鸡的!此乃中下等婚配、   男属狗的属相婚配表   男属狗婚配女属鼠:较理想!女方的性格较温顺!会使对方觉得婚姻充满温馨!   男属狗婚配女属牛:相处不是非常融洽,   男属狗婚配女属虎:生活在一起还是可以的!但可能会较平淡,   男属狗婚配女属兔:生活是和睦的!能相敬如宾!能共同能共同创造舒适的生活、   男属狗婚配女属龙:相处有阻碍、女方不会盲目地崇拜别人,时常觉得有更重要的事要做!   男属狗婚配女属蛇:可以过幸福的生活。男方能给你以个平静。和睦的家庭、   男属狗婚配女属马:婚姻较美满!心心相印、   男属狗婚配女属羊:美满的婚姻。   男属狗婚配女属猴:生活比较协调,双方都较现实,双方都能相互认同、   男属狗婚配女属鸡:不是很好。因为性格迥然不同。如其中一方0588能容忍,情况会好转、   男属狗婚配女属狗:可和睦相处。不过生活可能会有一些小的麻烦,   男属狗婚配女属猪:关系融洽、日子轻松自在,慷慨是双方的共同优点!!


  Russians taboo   In Russia, be regarded as "light symbol" sunflower is the most popular, she was called "sunflower", and was designated as national flower, visited Russia person, lady flowers appropriate is odd.   In number, russians are most favored "7", think it is successful, good omen. For "13" and "Friday", Russia is taboo.   Russians adores salt and horses.   Russians advocates "left ZhuXiong, right main ji", therefore, they are not allowed to touch others, or by hand delivery goods.   Russians exquisite "lady first" in public, men often consciously acting as "escorts". Don't respect women, in Russia were everywhere in the stinkeye.   Russians taboo topics include: political conflicts, and economic woes, religious conflicts, ethnic disputes, the Soviet collapse, the war in Afghanistan, and powerhouse problem.   Russian traditions and some taboos, such as: Russia can't send another sharp things, such as dao, pins, ect, such as must send, it shall get back on a coin, or use to send the pointed things pierced each other once; Russia cannot send somebody else handkerchief, because send handkerchief adumbrative separation, Two with the same handkerchief to wipe off sweat, foreshadowing will depart; Russia avoid in homes and public places to whistle, whistles will move ghosts, Russia to avoid let the girl sitting at this desk horn sit, local portend girl three years unmarriageable. The russians in eating habits, have distinct national characteristics. They pay attention to cook, therefore Russian AGAR AGAR is well known in the world.   1, bread   Since ancient times, Russia will be with bread as staple food. Many kinds of bread, by raw material points are: white bread, brown bread and black wheat essence powder bread and corn flour bread. White bread consumption greatly. But russians also love eat rye bread, even more than white bread. Brown bread of main raw material is rye flour, it contains rich vitamin, nutritional value high. Brown bread there is a strong, slightly sour when liquor entrance, chewing a moment later, again have a sweet smelling. According to the beginning points are: circle bread, it can reach 40 centimeters in diameter, bread patterns, Bagels, Padlock shape bread. Buns, its size beginning of steamed bread, similar to China to cut it, intermediate clip meat, cheese, make a sandwich, Bread is dry, Figure 8 small sweet bread. Rectangle bread. Oval bread, etc.   Russia still has a kind of food, it is called the russians "second bread", this is the potatoes. Russians very love to eat potatoes. According to statistics, Russia annual per capita consumption potatoes more than 100 kg, and grain consumption of almost. In Russia potatoes cuisine it has a lot of kinds: boiled potatoes, baked potato, mashed potatoes, using potato small flat bread, and used as the roast chicken steaks, waiting with food, etc.   2, three meals a day   The staple of the Russian people eat three meals a day except bread, potatoes, besides the beef, pork, mutton, milk, butter and cheese vegetables, etc. The russians have dinner is characteristic of meat and milk capacity is much, ShuCaiLiang less.   Russia's dine together is a way to eat. When serving first commonly on cold dishes, such as salad, ham, fish fish jelly, cold SuanHuangGua etc; lettuce, Then the main course, which have three ways, a the is soup, such as fish soup, clear soup, meat ZaBan soup, meatball split-pea soup, red soup, etc. Russian special love to drink red soup, also called the ROM borsch. This soup way is: cut the meat into small pieces, the red carrots, cabbage and potatoes, Onions, carrots cut into wire put into the water, add salt, sugar etc condiment boiled together, after cooked again poured sour cream, sometimes inside still add mushrooms and integrated, flavour is delicious. Russians when you drink soup can eat bread, this and westerners are different. Moreover, table except white bread outside, also have a disc of black bread. The second dish is meat dishes, such as, roast beef steak, Fried chicken, croquette block such match on potato chips, cabbage, sugar beets. The third and final a is sweet, general is cooked fruits, jelly, ice cream, snacks, fruit juice, coffee or tea, etc. Various kinds of drinks. In the banquet on, general and caviar, it is the top dishes black caviar and red caviar two kinds. How to eat: first in white bread erased a layer of butter, and then put the red or black caviar touch in butter.   Russians cook very exquisite condiments. They are of the opinion condiment can not only, still can increase flavoring food nutritional value. They are commonly used seasoning onion, ginger, garlic, pepper and mustard, moreover often in dish intermadite bay leaf, clove, fennel seeds, with olive oil, egg yolk and spices. Stir to a salad oil   Due to the Russian winter long summer short, sunshine is insufficient, so all the year round to potatoes, cabbage and carrot, onion is given priority to, fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit rarely, also hard to storage.   3, beverage   Russians favorite drink have alcoholic drinks like vodka, beer, wine, champagne, Non-alcoholic drinks such as tea, Cool beverage such as grams of gas, etc.   Russians with good wine famous, whenever the holidays, birthdays, everyone wining. In various of alcohol, they most like vodka. Vodka almost become the pronoun of Russia. Russia's vodka is at 1428 years from Italy to Genoa, but then in Moscow archduke vassili iii to protect its drinking vodka ban traditional wines -- honey wine producer's interests. Ivan ray emperor first in Moscow to offer "royal wine estates", but soon after, he ordered except their prefects outside all forbid drinking vodka. Until after the merge into Russia, Ukraine vodka before folk spread. Peter also vodka into the Treasury of the main as revenue. The practice of vodka is first the alcohol after activated carbon processing, remove not pure, then adding water odor, to a blood-alcohol level 36% - 60% will be made. That sells on the market to 42 degrees. More vodka Using food preparation of vodka, mouthfeel cools, lingering finish. "Capital" brand of vodka for such wine of top grade.Champagne is Russia various festival dinners cannot lack competes play, after the vodka lan-ke-shan-later. Columns. GeLiCen is Russia's champagne the father.   Russians when drinking good wishes to meet, speak your toast, healthy child, and wish the wish wishes peace, for our friendship, a set of pick up a suit. Wine to the environment, and dance in. The first cup of usually drink dry, then each optional, according to the custom not good or not. The third drinks is often present the lady and dry man always rises, drank, while the woman need not arose, and doesn't have to be drunk. As in the family visit, and finally: 1 cup will honor housewife, to thank her cooking techniques and hard. Russian people don't pay attention to some snacks and drinks nor no-limits, how many drink many, is often a drunk. Therefore, many plagues Russian alcoholic caused many social problems. Drinking makes the rising rate of crime, the divorce rate increases, traffic accidents, labor productivity, increasing the life of man shortened, and the like.   Besides drinking besides, Russian and tea hobby. Russia favoured tea, the average annual elimination of 500 grams. Russia only in southern sochi produce little tea, so mainly rely on imports. China's jasmine tea, India's black tea by Russian people love it. Every afternoon 5-6 is Russian tea time. Long-term since, the russians have formed their unique tea habitude:,




  没有年份 不可能算出来的   何谓“上升星座”,就是你出生的9112那一刻!根据你所处的经纬度,在东方地平线的天上,正在上升的星座区块。从星盘来看就是一宫的宫头星座,ASC符号的所在星座(ASC就代表上升)   一天二十四小时、所以,上升是约两个小时换一个星座的。太阳是约30天换一个星座。月亮约两天半换一个星座。晓得了不、     要查询上升星座、只需要报上你出生信息。准确到几点最好是几分就好了,出生地也最好要有!北京和海南还是新疆的经纬度可是查很远的     需要很多具体信息 给你个网址 你可以自己去查 astro.lady.qq.com/atopic/05133star.htm 里边比较详细 除了上升星座 你还可以看到自己的 太阳星座。月亮星座、金!水、火!土,木星星座,分别都是什么   只要你按照里边的要求 正确填写 系统会自动帮你算出来的 如果城市里边没有看到你所在的城市 请选择 自行输入 然后点击下边的查询经纬度 查到你所在的城市的经纬度 输入 点击 GO 即可完成     如果你一定要自己计算的话 按照以下方法   (表一)   出生月份   对应的生月参数   1月   06:40   2月   08:43   3月   10:33   4月   12:35   5月   14:33   6月   16:36   7月   18:34   8月   20:36   9月   22:38   10月   00:37   11月   02:39   12月   04:37   (表二)   对应的上升星座 计算出来的时间   牧羊   18:00   金牛   19:29   双子   21:11   巨蟹   23:13   狮子   01:29   处女   03:46   天平   06:00   天蝎   08:13   射手   10:30   摩羯   12:46   水瓶   14:48   双鱼   16:30   计算方法: 出生月参数(见表一查询) + 生日数字*4 + 出生时间 =计算出的时间(见表二查询)便得出上升星座   注:在总和中,如果超过“60分”、即进4980位到“时”!如果超过24时! 直接减24!进位到“日”,     以下举个例子:   生辰时日为12月9日上午9时15分,那么、上升星座是:   04:37    + 00:36   + 09:15   ——————————   = 13:88 (因为88超过60分了,所以要进位即得)   (14:28)   那我们从表二对照中,可得知你的上升星座为摩羯座     (注意:出生时间一定要准确、相差5分钟都会不准的)     Time="生月*2时+生时+4"时!"生日(阳历)*4分+生分+05"分     if your birthday in 1954.3.21--1961.8.9 then Time=Time+30 minutes;   if your birthday is in the summer time of定唬翅舅俨矫愁......余下全文>>,


