畅意阁 >风水知识



  To Autumn   Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,   Conspiring with him how to load and bless   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;   秋颂   雾气洋溢、果实圆熟的秋,   你和成熟的太阳成为友伴,   你们密谋用累累的珠球。   缀满茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓、,


  1.Thanks to father The year has turned its circle,The seasons come and go.The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow.Orchards have shared their treasures,The fields,their yellow grain.So open wide the doorway- Thanksgiving comes again!Father,We Thank Thee Father,we thank Thee for the night,And for the pleasant morning light,For rest and food and loving care,And all that makes the world so fair.Help us to do the things we should,To be to others kind and good,In all we do,in all we say,To grow more loving every day.2.I think about my father on his special day ---he makes my heart smile.My shirt sticks to me ---I watch the cork disappearas the fish gets fed.Limericks have always been a favorite because they are supposed to be funny!There are five lines.The first,second,and fifth line rhyme with each other and the third and fourth linesrhyme with each other.Most begin with "There once was a ..." Try one of these to make your father laugh!There once was a dad that I knew,He tried to "teach me a thing or two,"He taught me to fishAnd how to cook a dishAnd how to fly a kite when the wind blew.There was a dad from Illinois,To know him was such a joy.He told silly talesAnd made castles with pailsAnd acted just like a small boy.There once were a mom and a dad,They loved me even when I was bad.If sometimes I did wrong,They weren't mad for longThey're the best parents I ever had.,

五行诗关于爱情的 英语

  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever,


  王武。也就是武馆外面那个小院子!进门左边就是五行大师!一个和尚   在长安(354.121)这就是五行大师的坐标、希望能帮到你的,


  陈诗昱:55 分   五行分别是:火金火   笔画分别是:16 13 9   详细解说如下:   ·天格17(金)[祖运!影响人生相对弱] 暗示:(刚强)权威刚强、突破万难、如能容忍,必获成功! (半吉)   ·人格29(水)[主运!影响人一生命运] 暗示:(智谋)智谋优秀!财力归集、名闻海内,成就大业。 (吉)   ·地格22(木)[前运、影响前1680半生命运] 暗示:(秋草逢霜)秋草逢霜。困难疾弱。虽出豪杰!人生波折! (凶)   ·总格38(金)[后运,影响后半生命运] 暗示:(磨铁成针)意志薄弱、刻意经营!才识不凡!技艺有成。 (半吉)   ·外格10(水)[灵运,影响社交和智慧] 暗示:(终结之数)终结之数。雪暗飘零,偶或有成,回顾茫然。 (凶)英语五行诗简单的?


  你好!诗属金,诗雅 姓名测试打分   诗雅:78 分   五行分别是:金木   笔画分别是:13 12   详细解说如下:   ·天格14(火)[祖运,影响人生相对弱] 暗示:(破兆)1774家庭缘薄,孤独遭难!谋事不达!悲惨不测   ·人格25(土)[主运!影响人一生命运] 暗示:(荣俊)资性英敏、才能奇特,克服傲慢。尚可成功! (半吉)    ·地格13(火)[前运,影响前半生命运] 暗示:(春日牡丹)才艺多能!智谋奇略、忍柔当事,鸣奏大功、 (吉)!

求动漫名 大概内容讲的是五行国家 男主角是的能力是气 貌似是美国的(因为发音都是英语)

  最后的风之子   有动漫和电影    都好看!


  THE WIND风   (Part I)   Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌?   Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过!不论你或我;   But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际。   The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过!   (Part II)   Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?   Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过?不论你或我;   But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,   The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。   另一首诗人的风之歌   O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止   Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸   Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨   From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪!!


  I would like to talk about a special person. He's my childhood friend. Everybody say that we are the inbetwenners ,but it's to hard to find someone who can understand you , who can enjoy life with you everyday .it's my friend Moad or the nicknamed : The genius.Physically, he looks like a nerd .he's short and quite slim .He has (got )an round fair skinned face with a narrow eyes behind he's glasses , a small nose and wavy hair .He's always wearing tidy clothes.The most characteristic thing about Moad is his sense of humor. However, he's wise and takes the right decision in the right time. that's why I often seek advice from him. Also, he's both gifted at mathematics and physics and hardworking. He has the ability of noticing accurately and memorizing quickly. That's why this brainy boy is an excellent student. Moreover, he's known to be very cooperative and vital. When we have assigned projects, he works well with us, always does his share of work and bring the best of the group by being positive and cheerful . He has all the qualities of leadership. He is kind of person you admire him, the way he is talking, and the topics is discussing .Moad is generous and kind with everyone. He likes to help someone, and doesn't expect anything from him. That makes him more lovely and popular at school. Everybody wants to take company with him. Although, he spends his time at studying, he's the best player of video games I have ever seen. I m so lucky to have him like a friend. I hope life do never separate us.。


  诗的字义7529:字义为多才贤能。如诗如画,意为美好。用在女性名字中。意义主要有文采,文明!有修养等含义。   钰的字义:钰指宝物,坚硬的金属,音同玉,姓名用字中!其含义亦同“玉”,有洁白美丽之义?、





