畅意阁 >风水知识







  1。Lamd:静下来、休息。   2、Lamd:你散发着明亮的光,   3!Lamd:温柔地,陷入湮灭吧、   4,Lamd:一个人的死法,反映了一个人的活法?   5,Wolf:跑吧!如果你办得到的话!   6!Wolf:他们在挣扎吗?太好了!   7,Wolf:他们太易碎了、   8!Wolf:双脚那么快就跑累了?    9,Wolf:准备好追杀了吗?真可惜!   10,Wolf:这次会很疼的!   11!Wolf:不用多说!   12,Wolf:撕开喉咙!   13。Wolf:把他们撕成碎片!   14。Wolf:他们会逃跑吗?   Lamd:我们来找出他们吧!   15,Lamd:这一个是你的?   Wolf:没错!   16、Wolf:羔羊负责召唤!   Lamd:饿狼负责进攻!   17、Lamd:一步不慎.. Wolf:就开咬!   18,Lamd:生命就是我们.. Wolf;要终结的!   19!Lamd:轻松地走!   Wolf:不!要迎难而上!逃吧!   20、Lamd:是时候.. Wolf:终结这个了!   21、Wolf:我的!   Lamd:我们的、   22,Lamd:逃跑,还是抵抗?   Wolf:都无所谓!   23!Lamd:白天总会变成.. Wolf:吃的!   24。Wolf:给我们的!还是给他们的?   25。Lamd:锐利得足够切开生命与死亡之间的薄纱了,   26。Lamd:更锋利的剑刃有助于更利落的死亡、   27、Lamd:他们应该只能听到!我的声音。   28!Wolf:让伤口开得更深!   29!Lamd:切开他们的护甲、   Wolf:割开他们的身躯!   30。Wolf:我渴望更多!   31、Lamd:它通过被窃取的生命来产生作用,   32、Lamd:他们应该不会那么轻易的无视我们了。   33、Lamd:铸造于一个!不欢迎我们的地方。   34,Wolf:又一位朋友。   35,Wolf:他们将看到两个我!   36。Lamb:啊! Wolf:呃! Lamb:啊!啊! Wolf:呃---   37、Lamb:哈!(笑声1?)   38,Lamb:哈!(笑声2?)   39?Lamb:哈!(笑声3?)   40?Lamb:哈!(笑声4?)   41,Wolf:执子之魂! Lamb:与子共生。   42,Wolf:再跟我说一次。小羔羊。哪些东西是我要拿走的?   Lamb:所有东西、亲爱的饿狼~   43!Lamb:每个生命.. Wolf:都因我们而终结!   44,Wolf:我们拿到了我们的印记!   Lamb:该把它放到其他地方了。   45、Lamb:我们的印记已经取出、   Wolf:下一个是谁!   46,Wolf:真是一次不错的追杀!   47!Wolf:根本比不上我!   Lamb:没人能比得上你,亲爱的饿狼~   48。Lamb:携带了我们印记的人!下场就是这样。   49。Wolf:我们赢了!   Lamb:和往常一样,亲爱的饿狼~   50!Wolf:呵呵呵!那个太好玩了!   51!Wolf:下一个是谁?   Lamb:是所有人。   52,Lamb:你的生命。都已被导向这个时刻、   53,Lamb:所有生命都是暂时的。   54,Lamb:所有伟大和渺小的东西.. Wolf:都得死!   55!Wolf:有趣的追杀!   56、Wolf:比不上我们!   Lamb:没什么能比得上我们。亲爱的饿狼~   57。Wolf:追杀结束了!   Lamb:前面还有更多?亲爱的饿狼~   58,Lamb:漂3046亮的狩猎,亲爱的饿狼~   59!Lamb:如果他会呼吸.. Wolf:就会遇到我们!   60,Lamb:回归虚无吧!   61!Lamb:命运的编织与编排在指引着.. Wolf:狩猎又开始了!   62,Lamb:你在吗亲爱的饿狼~   Wolf:我在小羔羊~   Lamb:你悲伤吗?   Wolf:是的~   Lamb:是种什么感觉?   Wolf:一次没有收获的漫长狩猎!   63、Wolf:时机到了吗?    Lamb:我们很快就会从这次黯淡的睡眠中苏醒了。   64。Wolf:这是通向终结的那种感觉吗?   Lamb:我不知道。因为这一次不是我们的终结、   Wolf:其他人回来了吗?   Lamb:那些回来的人!还希望自己回不来呢!   65。Wolf:我们有多少岁了?羔羊?   Lamb:比那些足迹早已消失的人们还要年长,    Wolf:很多岁了。   Lamb:我记得每一岁的时光。   66、Wolf:他们已经忘记我们了吗?羔羊?    Lamb:大家仍然知道我们,尽管他们想要忘记?很快,我们就会让他们想起来的?   67。Lamb:每一个故事的相同之处是什么?亲爱的饿狼~   Wolf:它们都结束了!   68,Wolf2059:不!那是我的!   69!Wolf:你偷走了我的追杀目标!   70!Lamb:那个。本该是我们的!   71!Lamb:我们应该记住那个小偷。   72,Lamb:要有多蠢才敢来抢我们的印记呢?   73!Lamb:一个胆大包天的小偷,   Wolf:我会吃掉他的。   74、Lamb:你,越界了!   75,Wolf:你能跑得有多快?   。


  Maps - Maroon 5,Big Sean   I miss the taste of a sweeter life   I miss the conversation   I'm searching for a song tonight   I'm changing all of the stations   I like to think that we had it all   We drew a map to a better place   But on that road I took a fall   Oh baby why did you run away   I was there for you in your darkest times   I was there for you in your darkest nights   But I wonder where were you   When I was at my worst down on my knees   And you said you had my back so I   Wonder where were you   When all the roads you took came back to me   So I'm following the map that leads to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you following following following to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you following following following   I hear your voice in my sleep at night   Hard to resist temptation   Cause something strange has come over me   And now I can't get over you   No I just can't get over you   I was there for you in your darkest times   I was there for you in your darkest night   But I wonder where were you   When I was at my worst down on my knees   And you said you had my back so wonder where were you   When all the roads you took came back to me   So I'm following the map that leads to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you following following following to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you   Oh oh oh   Oh oh oh   Ya ya ya   Ah ah ah   Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest time   Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest night   Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest time   Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest night   But I wonder where were you   When I was at my worst down on my knees   And you said you had my back so wonder where were you   When all the roads you took came back to me   So I'm following the map that leads to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you following following following to you   The map that leads to you   Ain't nothing I can do   The map that leads to you following following following永猎双子千珏教学视频?


  鱼人,因为鱼人改版了比较有意思    永猎双子这个版本不是很强,




  下个版本 5!20、


  优酷上面有,   我妈妈就是在那上面学的。  2363 现在天天摇卦……?


  没有吧。有个人办的术数班!大学里也未必有人能拿的住术数 比如奇门遁甲,大六壬这些。除非是研究一些周易理论知识,







