畅意阁 >风水知识



  A lion fell asleep, and a little mouse ran around him and woke the lion.   一只狮子睡着了,一只小老鼠在他周围跑来跑去?把狮子吵醒了、   He was so angry that he caught the paw of the mouse.   他非常生气、抓住了老鼠的爪子!   "Please forgive me," cried the little mouse. I'll help you someday.   “请原谅我!”小老鼠叫道!总有一天我会帮助你的!   The lion was amused by the words.   狮子被这些话逗乐了、   He thought, "how can this little mouse help me?"" But he lifted his paw and let him go.   他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮助我呢、”但他举起爪子放了他,,




  星座: Constellation   白羊座 Aries: [ 'ɛəri:z ]   金牛座 Taurus: [ 'tɔ:rəs ]   双子座 Gemini: [ 'dʒeminai ]   巨蟹座 Cancer: [ '绩ænsə ]   狮子座 Leo: [ 'li(:)əu ]   处女座 Virgo: [ 'və:gəu ]   天秤座 Libra: [ 'librə ]   天蝎座 Scorpio: [ 'skɔ:piəu ]   射手座 Sagittarius: [ ,sædʒi'tɛəriəs ]   摩羯座 Capricornus: [ ,kæpri'kɔ:nəs ]   水瓶座 Aquarius: [ ə'kweriəs ]   双鱼座 Pisces: [ 'pisi:z ],


  火象与火象:你们俩都很像!探讨问题时可以达成一致,因此恋爱时几乎顺风顺水,可惜你们都爱发脾气。经常冷战、但幸亏你们都有健忘症、所以永远快乐!   火象与土象:原本。你们性格比较合得来!但因为差错在价值观和情感上、经常没有共同语言。导致无话可讲!所以!只能当互相帮助的朋友!   火象与风象:按性格!你们本来很不像、但你们心中总有那么令人纳闷的感应!且2281有互补的作用!所以!你们虽有摩擦,但等待你们的!总是充满阳光的明天。   火象与水象:自古水火不相容、你们恋爱总在距离远时!且只是被对方的优点所吸引,但一旦靠近,会发现对方与自己想的差远了!所以容易分手,   土象与风象:土是固执的。风是灵活的!相差甚远,相爱几乎是不可能的事、   土象与土象:你们的一切都很像,所以容易走近并相爱!但你们一起时,气氛总会古怪。所以最好找一个僻静的地方看星星,   土象与水象:土有容下大海的胸怀。喜爱柔弱的水。水总希望有个坚实的靠山、这靠山非土莫属。   风象与风象:好相像的人儿哪。在一起,总会一致又一致!若是男生不花心,相爱100年没问题的。   风象与2104水象:你们像,且吸力很大!但仔细一打量。这个有这个的毛病,那个有那个的毛病。趁不深时。赶紧离开吧、 1004  水象与水象:两个水?两条河!相交起来、完全融入!你们会很幸福?但男生要学会自立,别再1799耍小心眼!才能天长地久!   至于男与女的关系!我不说了,只要有象,男男女女是一样的!。


  如果要问你龚星座是什么,只要问WHAT'S YOUR SIGNAL就可以了.其他人回答的都是天文学的名词?


  摩羯座12.22-1.19   又称山羊座魔羯座   英文名称Capricorn   日文名称やぎ座(ざ)   德文名称Steinbock   Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August.     水瓶座1.20-2.18   又称宝瓶座   英文名称Aquarius   日文名称みずがめ座(ざ)   德文名称Wassermann   Aquarius the Water Bearer is an Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September.     双鱼座2.19-3.20   英文名称Pisces   日文名称うお座(ざ)   德文名称Fische   Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October.     白羊座3.21-4.20   又称牧羊座   英文名称Aries   日文名称おひつじ座(ざ)   德文名称Widder   Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November.     金牛座4.21-5.20   英文名称Taurus   日文名称おうし座(ざ)   德文名称Stier   Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December.     双子座5.21-6.21   英文名称Gemini   日文名称ふたご座(ざ)   德文名称Zwillinge   Gemini the Twins is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January.     巨蟹座6.22-7.22   英文名称Cancer   日文名称かに座(ざ)   德文名称Krebs   Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February.     狮子座7.23-8.22   英文名称Leo   日文名称しし座(ざ)   德文名称Loewe   Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March.     处女座8.23-9.22   又称室女座   英文名称Virgo   日文名称おとめ座(ざ)   德文名称Jungfrau   Virgo the Virgin is a Spring con......余下全文>>,


  Rising sign is how you count it?星座英语对话!



星座用英语怎么说 天平座呢?



  The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance two trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus. regarding the good and evil two extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individuality.Generally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyful.The libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the smooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth?





