畅意阁 >风水知识



  星座: Constellation   白羊座 Aries: [ 'ɛəri:z ]   金牛座 Taurus: [ 'tɔ:rəs ]   双子座 Gemini: [ 'dʒeminai ]   巨蟹座 Cancer: [ '绩ænsə ]   狮子座 Leo: [ 'li(:)əu ]   处女座 Virgo: [ 'və:gəu ]   天秤座 Libra: [ 'librə ]   天蝎座 Scorpio: [ 'skɔ:piəu ]   射手座 Sagittarius: [ ,sædʒi'tɛəriəs ]   摩羯座 Capricornus: [ ,kæpri'kɔ:nəs ]   水瓶座 Aquarius: [ ə'kweriəs ]   双鱼座 Pisces: [ 'pisi:z ]!


一月小喵喵是觉得看谁都不顺眼,恨不得直接的扑上去给对方全都抓挠一顿!对方真的是挺不长眼的、你们什么时候忙的四脚朝天。他们什么时候跟你们没完没了。挠!挠走了你们就太平了、  二月小喵喵是会有意外的讯息出现!尽管讯息本身并不那么让你们愉悦、但是你们还是从这个让你们不愉悦的讯息里看到了隐藏的幸运、这是个神4396奇的状况,好吧,不管来什么讯息都2972是好事情、就这么定了 三月小喵喵是觉得很是空洞,不知道该做什么才好,给你们出主意的人一大堆。但是能给你们正儿八经办事的人却很少,你们看着大家只能给你们一些不疼不痒的建议、那个心塞,全都是些假惺惺。心都碎了, 、!


  这天,那人闲着没事,加了12个人为QQ好友,结果被送进了精神病院.据报道,当时的情况是这样的.     白羊座(食古不化、气死人)     那人:5617你好吗。   白羊:这叫什么话!我不好还坐在这里上Q啊。。!    那人:晕、问候一下而已   白羊:谁是而已、你的GF吗。   那人:不是啊.   白羊:那是谁   那人:不知道丫,你叫什么   白羊:我没叫   那人:我是问你叫什么名字   白羊:我没叫啊   那人:汗~~你的名字是什么!   白羊:我的名字是名字   那人:晕死~不跟你僵了   白羊:什么时候融化,   那人:我是说不跟你讲了   白羊:哦     金牛座 (金钱本色)     那人:上了一天不累吗   金牛:不累   那人:不怕浪费家里的钱啊。   金牛:怕什么   9897那人:上网要钱啊   金牛:有什么办法。   那人:、、。   金牛:9610你说有什么办法可以在网上要钱、   那人:没..我是说上网要交钱   金牛:切   那人:你有办法不用交钱吗。   金牛:有   那人:什么办法!   金牛:违法..  5698 那人:滚...     双子座 (玩人高手,莫名其妙)     那人:你好吗   双子:当然好啦   那人:你叫什么名字。   双子:夏紫薇   那人:环珠格格啊!真名叫什么呢。   双子:就叫夏紫薇   那人:汗~~我还是尔康呢   双子:那我们就是一对的   那人:唉。当我没说..你在哪。   双子:大气层中   那人:具体点行吗   双子:大气层中的0.842个微氧元子中   那人:我说住哪   双子:住在家里   那人:你家在哪、   双子:大气层中的0.842个微氧元子中   那人:我问在这个城市的哪里!   双子:东边   那人:怎么走。   双子:用脚走   那人:算了,以后再跟你聊吧?88   双子:拜拜!     巨蟹座 (恋家子弟)   1868  那亥:你是谁   巨蟹:我才不是谁   那人:你怎么会有我的QQ!   巨蟹:我没有你的QQ   那人:我问你怎么回家我   巨蟹:你连自己的家都不会回!没救了   那人:我是说你怎么会加我作QQ好友!   巨蟹7996:你是陌生人!不是好友   那人:我认识你吗   巨蟹:我怎么知道   那人:你认识我妈   巨蟹:我只认识我妈   那人:啊!     2158狮子座 (先把你吓死。再把你骂死)     那人:有空吗、   狮子:我很忙、很多2263人找我约会呢,(哇。有人想X我!哈哈)   那人:那你还忙着上Q!快去呀。   狮子:你管这么多干什么   那人:没!提醒你呢   狮子:啊,你不吃醋吗   那4216人: ...我为什么要吃醋!   狮子:操,你没事问什么问!   那人:晕~你好粗野呀~~   狮子:你说什么你有种再说一次、   那人:我没种   狮子:靠、没种就滚.....   那人: ...     处女座 (超谨慎)     那人:你好吗   处女:别这么虚伪,这年头哪有这么虚伪的问候   那人:我是真心的呀   处女:我还煮心呢   那人:好毒~   处女:看吧、看吧,狐狸尾巴露出来了,马上就骂人了,   那人:啊..我无淤了..   处女:你这还不淤呀!都羞1501死人了   那人:我是说我没话说了。无语了   处女:你不是正在说吗   那人:你叫什么   处女:chunv   那人:啊!蠢驴啊....   处女:居然敢骂人。,。   那人:那你叫什么名字   处女:chunv   那人:中文名   处女:我凭什么告诉你、你想对我做什么。你快招吧,别让我来抓你   那人:我是好人啊   处女......余下全文>>。


  处女座其实是个不好说星座..因为这个星座本身就没什么太好的词, 比如:龟毛, 洁癖, 腹黑;   不知道你是要在什么场合说, 但是我给你想了一个比较中庸的.   I am XX (名字/昵称), and my astrology sign is virgo, I was born XX.XX (出生日期)   I am very tidy and neat, I am also very organized. I cannot stand such mess; comparing to others I am not very outgoing, or talktive, I remain pretty quiet for the most of the time.   I enjoy being alone, however I also like to step into the crowd once a while. Perhaps once/ twice a week. In contrary to sagittarius, or aries, large friend groups are much harder for me to handle. I like to keep few people close to me which they will be my friends, whom that I can trust and share my thoughts with. I don't need a whole bunch of people to be around me at the same time.   I am very reserved and moderate. I don't like to hurt people's feelings even though I may have to lie. I am not straight forward or blunt. I mind my own business before anything else.   I am attracted to caring, patient people who can be good listeners. I don't get along with egocentric or dictator people. I personally don't think that I can be open-minded, so I am more of a classy type.   One thing that's very typical of me and most of the virgo is that I like cleaning. I enjoy cleaning very much actually. I know that sounds a little bit off the road to some of you guys but when I see a dirty room gets cleaned up by my hands, I will be cheered for the rest of the day.   My sun sign is virgo however the other half of my personality is determined by my rising sign, I think. Raising sign changes very 10 minutes, which makes every virgo unique. Virgos share some common traits but that's still too vague. If you want to know more about the sign of virgo, I may be able to tell you more later, which later, it'd be a lot more!,


  敏感多情的2775巨蟹座是母性的象征,双臂环绕着胸前,表现母亲护卫子女的天性、   不过!就另一种象征意义而言。怀2464中婴儿代表了无助脆弱的自我、而环绕的双臂,则说明了巨蟹座浓厚的自我保护意义、   希腊神话里的一段故事正强调了巨蟹座特有的攻击性!   这先得从赫五力说起——赫五力是宙斯与凡人生的儿子。天后希拉三番两次要置他於死:他也是希腊最伟大的英雄,世间最壮的人!世上没有他办不8492到的事!连神明们都是靠着他的协助才征服了巨人人族。当然。赫五力也为神明立下许多汗马功劳。有一天他来到了麦西尼王国。正准备接受英雄式的欢迎。国王6344却因受到希拉的指使、给他1294出一道难题——杀掉住在沼泽区的九头蛇、这事很难办!因为每砍掉一个头便会马上生出无数个头!   赫五力想到一个办法——用火烧焦蛇头、就这样轻易解决了八个蛇头?眼看只剩最后一个了、希拉在天上气得怒火中烧!7920“难道这次又失败了,”她不甘心啊!於是从海里叫来一支巨大的螃蟹要阻碍赫五力。巨蟹伸出了强有力的双蟹夹住赫五力的脚、但是谁都知道、赫五力是世间最壮的人啊!这支巨蟹最后仍死於他的蛮力之下!   希拉又失败了、但对巨蟹不顾一切的牺牲!却感到心有戚戚。为了感佩巨蟹的忠於使命,即0450使没有成功?希拉仍将它放置在天上,也就成了巨蟹   唉..cancer就cancer喽.我们百毒不侵拉.哈哈!


  星座都有特定的性格特征:天蝎座Scorpioambitious 野心大focused 专注的aggressive 强势domineering 控制欲强disciplined 纪律性强vindictive 报复心强forceful 有说服力powerful 强大射手座Sagittariusoptimistic 乐观adventurous 有冒险精神independent 独立large-hearted 仁慈philosophical 哲思unpredictable 让人琢磨不透straightforward 直率careless 粗心摩羯座Capricorninsightful 富有洞察力patient 有耐心pragmatic 务实perfectionist 完美主义者pessimist 悲观主义者practical 注重实际prudent 考虑周到miserly 贪财吝啬水瓶座Aquariusindividualistic 个人主义inventive 有创造才能sarcastic 尖刻stubborn 固执humanitarian 充满人道主义的inventive 创意十足intractable 难相处aloof 高冷双鱼座Piscescompassionate 有同情心adaptable 适应力强devoted 深情,忠诚的indecisive 优柔寡断malleable 易受人影响imaginative 想象力丰富的sensitive 敏感的intuitive 直觉力强的白羊座Ariesgo-getting 有抱负enthusiastic 积极热情competitive 争强好胜impulsive 冲动任性assertive 过分自信的vigorous 充满活力的adventurous 爱冒险的enterprising 有进取心的金牛座Tauruspersistent 坚持不懈的placid 温和的jealous 嫉妒心强possessive 占有欲强的resentful 爱生气inflexible 固执self-indulgent 任性greedy 贪婪双子座Geminicurious 充满好奇心communicative 善于沟通eloquent 口才好inconsistent 反复无常tense 易紧张的cunning 狡猾的inquisitive 爱打听impetuous 冲动的巨蟹座Canceradaptable 适应力强mutable 易变的shrewd 精明cautious 谨慎sympathetic 有同情心over emotional 感情用事touchy 敏感的thoughtful 体贴狮子座Leoearnest 真挚self-confident 自信modest 谦虚的generous 慷慨broad-minded 心胸宽广pompous 浮夸passionate 有激情的magnetic 有吸引力处女座Virgospeedy 敏捷的indecisive 优柔寡断aspiring 有志气的humorous 幽默overcritical 苛刻observant 观察力强intellectual 有才智precise 精确天秤座Librasecretive 神秘感weak-willed 意志力薄弱idealistic 理想主义versatile 多才多艺dauntless 无所畏惧的hospitable 殷情好客vain 虚荣diplomatic 有外交手段与老外侃星座1. What's your sign?你是什么星座的?2. I don't think astrology is blind faith. It holds water in many instances.我认为占星术不是迷信!它很多时候还是站得住脚的!3. I'm not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate.不是我迷信?星座运势有时还8073是很准的,4. He's a typical Taurus.他是个典型的金牛座、5. A Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy have the potential to become good friends.天蝎座的女孩与双鱼座的男孩很有可能成为好朋友!6. A Sagittarius person is stereotyped as energetic, adventurous, and with a good sense of humor.射手座给人4091的一般印象是活力四射,爱冒险而又不失幽默感,7.As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.我是巨蟹座的,天生恋家、希望稳稳当当过日子,8. It's too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology. It's all stereotypes.用星座理论来判断人未免也太绝对化、片面化了吧、9. Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。双鱼非常善于接纳。富有同情心!但缺乏自主性!10. The fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy.火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量?11. The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力。智慧和速度,12. Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.狮子座是彻底的火相星座!火引发了创造!革新和领导的欲望,13. Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.在千变万化的水星的控制下。处女座需要努力才能获得稳定、14. Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.天秤座是风相星座!其特性比较外向和主动,15. Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. It is one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.魔羯座是土相星座的领头人,是黄道12宫里最努力工作的星座,16. Aquarius has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力、,


  The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance two trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus. regarding the good and evil two extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individuality.Generally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyful.The libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the smooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth!


  Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus订 Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs   Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche、

我的属相是什么? 用英语怎么说

  what is my sign of birth?。


  在国外!Horoscop供(星座)会比较普遍!   射手座是Sagittarius!   句子是“我的星座是射手座”的话!   1461可以直接说"I am Sagittarius",再不然可以说"My horoscope is Sagittarius"~关于星座的对话英语!





