畅意阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  Gemini Gemini: May 21-June 21 Ruling Planet: Mercury Symbol: The twins Color: Yellow, Rainbow Lucky stone: Pearl Flowers: Lily-of-the-valley, Lavender Lucky numbers: 9 and 5 Lucky Day: Wednesday Key phrase: I think Keywords: Communicate, Adaptable Main Trait: Responsiveness Notable Geminis: John F. Kennedy( May 29, 1917 US President)Richard Wagner (May 21, 1813.German Composer) Personal traits: Geminis are optimistic people. All things are fresh and fascinating for the twins, it's the way they like it to be. They often possess the enthusiasm of a child. Routine is boring, and boring is not allowed. Restless, with an active imagination and a keen intellect, life must be lived to the fullest for Gemini. Perceived as a game, life is best played with swift moves and entertaining teammates. A twin wants to know the causes, motivations, and dynamics behind everything and everyone they encounter. Adaptability, ingenuity and cleverness are other traits of Genimis. They are a mental sign and therefore logical, even brilliant at times, possessing a great deal of charm. However, it is important to remember that the symbol for this sign is twins, and that not all twins are alike. There are broad distinctions within the Gemini character. In contrast to the shining one described above is the shadow twin. On the turn of a moment, Gemini can become cynical, biting, moody and quickly angered. Inseparable as two sides of a coin, those born in this sign can be dazzl......余下全文>>。

请帮我取个贸易公司名,要求洋气,中英文都好听 40分

  实在无法找到谐音完整的英文名字、给你组造几个: Chiczone。Cheekzone、Cheakzone:奇克庄!奇客庄 这几个词前半部分Chic,Cheek!Cheak是名字,后半部8190分只是英文单词zone! Chic:奇克、含义是高雅,雅致。 Cheek:奇克!意思是“脸颊” Cheak:[人名] 奇克 先生用汉语拼音,放在名字后面!Chiczone Huang 如果只对庄谐音!可选择John,Johnny等、,






  男:   温溢辉 (多得溢出来的光辉)   温子儒 (儒:儒家)   温煜城 (照耀城市)   温立铭 (铭:记述功德的文字)   温彦铭 (彦=指有才德的人;铭;记述功德的文字)   温鼎盛 (兴盛)   温政渊 (渊:学识渊博)   温锦涛 (前程似锦;浪涛)   温宇轩 (器宇轩昂)   温哲瀚 (拥有广大的学问)。


  霂沄汐   霂:小雨的意思   沄:海浪的意思   汐:海潮的意思、

译字取名 含义

  用字的意义:   钧:钧字本是古代一种计量单位的名称!一般称30斤为1钧,每3钧为l石、另外。6737古人也把制造陶器的转轮称为钧、或者调节乐音的标准。后来!钧字又引申指国政、天工。或者作为书札或口语中对尊者的敬词使用,(此字在人名库中共出现约:108,070次)   《说文解字》释云:三十斤也、从金匀声,    译:本义:翻译,把一种语言文字翻译成另一种语言文字。也指阐述、诠释,(此字在人名库中共出现约:10,850次)   《说文解字》释云:传译四夷之言者!从言睾声!     钧从生肖上看!生肖为马、名字中应有钅部首为吉。钧的部首为钅、   译此字能较好的与起名用字钧搭配!   字义钧表示乐调!纯一。钧谐!译表示译笔。通译、翻译、意义优美、   音律钧。钧、译的读音是jūn!jūn!yì、声调为阴平。阴平。去声!   字型钧为左右结构,姓名学笔画12画,译为左右结构、姓名学笔画20画。字型优美!利于书写,   五格该名字的五格笔画搭配为12-12-20,五格大吉、   意蕴该名字可以趣解为8848:“钧谐 ? 译笔”?。

酒行取名 10分

  酒行对联:   金木水火土   板城烧锅酒   (乾隆与纪晓岚作关于酒的对子)   酒行横批:(店名)   久酒酒行   一说,咱们的酒!窖藏时间长   二说。咱们的酒行是老店!新老顾客多,,


  崔芷涵~ 崔雨馨~ 崔佳宁~ 崔心怡~ 崔青遥~   崔天薇~ 崔梓雯~ 崔子菲~ 崔淽琳~ 崔维丹~   崔慧溪~ 崔静雅~ 崔芷琪~ 崔紫歆~ 崔欣睿~?


   东子小面,中英文取名、请帮我取个贸易公司名,要求洋气,中英文都好听 40分
