畅意阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  Long long ago, in the face of the earth there was a big drought: all the rivers and wells to dry up. Vegetation jungle also are dry, many people and animal are thirsty to death.   One night, a little girl holding a jug out of the house, for her sick mother to look for water. The little girl can't find it anywhere water, collapsed on the grass and fell asleep. When she woke up, picked up a jar at the jar was full, clear and fresh water. The little girl be overjoyed, really want to drink your fill, but another want, these mothers is not enough water to it, quickly ran home to hold water. She hurriedly, did not pay attention to the foot of a dog, suddenly stumble on it, the pitcher also fall in the underground. Bi puppy to scream. The little girl hurried to pick up tank.   She thought, the water must be spilled, but no, the jar squarely in lying on the ground, water in the pot is full. The little girl pour water in the palm of your hand a little, little dog lick it all the net, be glad. When the little girl to the pitcher, wood has become a silver pitcher. The little girl brought the tank home, to the mother. Mother said:" I'm going to die, or for you to drink." Jug and handed the little girl again. At that moment, and from silver jug was changed into gold. At this time, the little girl couldn't help, is to collect the pitcher to drink when, suddenly from the outside into a passerby, to discuss water to drink, the little girl swallowed a spittle, put the jug to passers-by. When suddenly from the pitcher out of seven large diamonds, then from the inside out a huge clear and fresh water.   And the higher the seven diamond more rose, rose to the sky, to become seven star, this is what people say the bear constellation.,


  金牛座往往是最可靠的,持久!忠诚,耐心和慷慨的。弱点是他们的一些固执,懒惰,占有欲强。物质!自我放纵。这款是金牛座装扮游戏、假如你是金牛座就赶快来玩吧,   Taurus is often the most reliable, durable, loyalty, patience and generous. Weakness is that some of their stubborn, lazy, possessive, substance, self-indulgence. This is Taurus dress up game, if you are just start to play with Taurus.?


  Taurus   金牛座 (4月21~5月21日)   The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.   土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。   TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.   学习相 你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点、,


  .牡羊座 (本名:白羊座英文名称:Aries 电脑上的简写:ARI顶)     具有纯洁.真诚.上进.劳动.追求自我之特性   2.金牛座 (又名:牡牛座英文名称:Taurs 电脑上的简写:TAU)     具有信念.巨大.独有.坚实.情绪周期之特性     3.双子座 (又名:阴阳座英文名称:Gemini 电脑上的简写:GEM)     具有意动.智识.双重.联系.绝对关系之特性     4.巨蟹座 (又名:蟹座英文名称:Cancer 电脑上的简写:CAN)     具有熟虑.检讨.爱护.专横.自我迷失之特性     5.狮子座 (又名:狮座英文名称:Leo 电脑上的简写:LEO)     具有想像.特权.光明.圆融.行为反省之特性     6.处女座 (本名:室女座英文名称:Virgo 电脑上的简写:VIR)     具有烈节.才能.阴柔.效率.服务精神之特性     7.天秤座 (又名:天平座英文名称:Libro 电脑上的简写:LIB)     具有现实.司法.人和.平等.贞节灵魂之特性     8.天蝎座 (又名:蝎座英文名称:Scoripo 电脑上的简写:SCO)     具有冒险.劝解.快意.发展.埋藏私密之特性     9.射手座 (本名:人马座英文名称:Sagittarius 电脑上的简写:SAG)     具有欲求.理想.怜悯.根基.寻求自我之特性     10.摩羯座 (又名:山羊座英文名称:Capricorn 电脑上的简写:CAP)     具有规范.柔顺.名声.独走.优秀本领之特性)     11.水瓶座 (本名:宝瓶座英文名称:Aquarius 电脑上的简写:AQU)     具有理智.仁爱.共荣.友情.大同思想之特性     12.双鱼座 (又名:鱼座英文名称:Pisces 电脑上的简写:PIS)     具有感性.振奋.疏离.奉献.满足现状之特性。


  猴子   有句古话说得好:山中无老虎、猴子充大王!。


  “子何以属鼠也,曰:天开于子。不耗则其9901气不开?鼠、耗虫也。于是夜尚未央、正鼠得令之候!故子属鼠,   地辟于丑、而牛则开地之物也。故丑属牛!   人生于寅。有生则有杀!杀人者、虎也、又寅者!畏也、可畏莫若虎!故寅属虎!   卯者,日出之候、日本离体。而中含太阴玉兔之精!故卯属兔、   辰者,三月之卦!正群龙行雨之时、故辰属龙!   巳者。四月之卦!于时草茂,而蛇得其所,又,巳时蛇不上道、故属蛇,   午者。阳极而一阴甫生?马者、5471至健而不离地,阴类也!故午属马。   羊啮未时之草而茁。故未属羊、   申时。日落而猿啼、且伸臂也。譬之气数!将乱则狂作横行。故申属猴!   月出之时,月本坎体。中含金鸡之精。故本属鸡、   亥时,猪则饮食之外无一所知、故亥属猪。”!


  鼠 Rat   牛 Ox   虎 Tiger   兔 Rabbit   龙 Dragon   蛇 Snake   马 Horse   羊 Goat   猴 Money   鸡 Rooster   狗 Dog   猪 Pig?


  I belong to the Year of the Dog。


  在传统风水罗庚里这些生肖刚好在彼此对面相冲的位置所以犯相冲、     【 猪 】在生肖裏!与猪最投缘的是虎。其次就是属兔?属羊的、与猪相冲最差的是蛇?其次就3217是属猴的?馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 狗 】在生肖裏,与狗最投缘的是兔!其次就是属马,属虎的。7534与狗相冲最差的是龙,其次就是属鸡。羊!牛的、馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 鸡 】在生肖裏。与鸡最投缘的是龙,其次就是属蛇!属牛的、与鸡相冲最差的是兔!其次就是属狗的!馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 猴 】在生肖裏、与8132猴最投缘的是蛇,其次就是属鼠。属龙的,与猴相冲最差的是虎、其次就是1236属猪的、馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【羊】在生肖裏,与羊最投缘的是马!其次就是属猪。属兔的,与羊相冲最差的是牛、其次就是属狗的、馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 马】在生肖裏。与马最投缘的是羊!其次就是属虎。属狗的!与马相冲最差的是鼠,其次就是属牛的,馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 蛇 】在生肖裏!与蛇最投缘的是猴。其次就是属鸡,属牛的!与蛇相冲最差浮是猪。其次就是属虎的、馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 龙】在生肖裏!与龙最投缘的是鸡。其次就是属鼠,属猴的、与龙相冲最差的是狗,其次就是属兔的。馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 兔】在生肖裏!与兔最投缘的是狗?其次就是属猪!属羊的!与兔相冲最差的是鸡。其次就7821是属鼠?龙的,馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 虎】在生肖裏、6726与虎最投缘的是猪、其1486次就是属马、属狗的,与虎相冲最差的是猴,其次就是属蛇的、馀下的生肖属於6048一般程度.   【 牛】在生肖裏。与牛最投缘的是鼠、其次就是属蛇、属鸡的、与牛相冲最差的是羊。其次就是属狗的?馀下的生肖属於一般程度.   【 鼠】在生肖裏。与鼠最6533投缘的是牛!其次就是属猴,属龙的、与鼠相冲最差的是马。其次就是属兔的、羊的,馀下的生肖属於一般程度.。


  参考apple red apple roundapple juicy apple sweetapple apple I love youI love to eat,十二生肖虎英语作文、我的星座金牛座英语作文
