畅意阁 >风水知识



  My weekend   I like weekend very much,because I can play computer.But I should do my homework first.And then I usually have a rest.!


  Pisces     The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel trapped[1] when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a piscean can make the best of[2] a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.   Pisces and winter is the zodiac constellation last. This is one of the people have their own unique way of silence. All happened in the world of your things, and even a strong interest in it is unreal. This thinking thought, makes you a tight mysterious aura, attracted a lot of people. You are in another kind of tide way to make money is totally ignorant, or sometimes pollution problem dishonesty. Pisces warm, flexibility and mysterious. A general idea of the poetic mood, inner sensitivity of the mysterious、


  金牛座往往是最可靠的,持久、忠诚。耐心和慷慨的,弱点是他们的一些固执、懒惰!占有欲强!物质。自我放纵!这款是金牛座装扮游戏!假如你是金牛座就赶快来玩吧、   Taurus is often the most reliable, durable, loyalty, patience and generous. Weakness is that some of their stubborn, lazy, possessive, substance, self-indulgence. This is Taurus dress up game, if you are just start to play with Taurus.五行英语作文、


  家乡(贵州)一处景物的五年级作文 我的家乡在贵州,贵州的风景名胜有许多,黄果树瀑布是其中最为著名的一个.关于黄果树瀑布,有这么一个美丽的传说:在远古的时候,天突然裂开了一条缝,九天银河的一大截撒落下来,掉到大地上碎成了几十段,其中,最大的一段挂在悬崖上,成了黄果树瀑布,而溅落四周的变成了大大小小的瀑布群.春天,黄果树瀑布像一个调皮的小孩儿.它缓缓地流着,快乐地喝着春雨姑娘洒下的雨珠.夏天,黄果树瀑布像一只生气的狮王大声吼叫着,从山顶直泄下来,溅起一朵朵雪白的水花.秋天,黄果树瀑布懒洋洋地睡着午觉,时不时会响起几声响亮的鼾声.冬天,黄果树瀑布像个万能的乐器,它用水花敲打着一块块岩石,有时这种声音像铜锣,有时这种声音像铃铛.仿佛在为春天到来而排练音乐会呢!啊!我爱我的家乡,西部公园------贵州!?


  many students don't know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now . because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time . to reduce   the ratio , here are a few suggestions: one, what is that saying? "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow". so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere. Two, after arguing or fighting occured and we think about   the reason of what happened to us , we can give apology to each other .   翻译:现在许多学生不知道如何处理与他们的同学的矛盾,所以吵架和打架时有发生!为了减少冲突概率,有几点建议:第一!老话说得好。“如果你在一瞬间能把愤怒转化成耐心!你会从数百天的悲伤中逃离,”所以每个人时时刻刻需要学习容忍!第二、在争吵或者打架发生过后!我们想想自己的原因,我们可以互相道歉,,


  from the place of work or school to home. The Britsh people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at mid-day is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening meal between 6.30pm and 8pm. On Sundays people don't have to work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For example roast beef .?




  Once a neighbor stole one of Washington's horses.Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor's farm to get the horse,but the neighbor refused to give the horse up; he claimed that it was his horse.   Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor,"If this is your horse,then you must tell us in which eye he is blind."、


  (My View on Fate)   How to see the fate?There is no consensus among people about fate.Some people think one’s fate is destined while he comes into the world.Simultaneously,some people think one’s fate is controlled by himself .   The former always think only rare people is lucky and destined.Hence,when opportunity comes,they usualy let it be rather than take effective measure,and say fate is unfair to them.   On the contrary,quite a few people claim that fate is unfair to everybody.Only by struggling and sweating,you’ll attain success and luck,you’ll enjoy a high-standard life.It just as old saying goes “As you sow,so shall you reap.”   As far as I am concerned,I agreed the latter.Thus,in order to get master degree,I’m paying painstaking on my lesson.In other words,the hard you work,the much progress you get.   Obviously,from what has been discussed above,we can safely draw a conclusion that fate is equitable to every one.Through struggling,you’ll achieve you goal and good fate.、


  谁喜欢吃臭老鼠 战国时代,庄子和惠施是好朋友!两人常一起辩论对任何事的看法,有一次。惠施做了魏国的宰相、庄子知道了。就想到魏国去拜访这位老朋友?魏国一些爱进谗言的小人就对惠施说:庄子这次来我们魏国。可能别有企图,或许是要来谋取您的相位、您可千万要小心啊, 嗯!他们说得蛮有道理的。惠施心想、于是他就派了许多士兵、到魏国各地搜查庄子的住处。士兵们找了三天三夜都没有找到庄子,然而庄子却在第四天早上亲自登门拜访惠施、 老朋友、你知道南方有一只鸟叫吗!这是一种很珍贵奇异的鸟,它由南海出发飞向北海。在途中。8277若不是梧桐树。它绝不停在上面休息、除了竹结的果实外。它绝不吃到别的东西,不是甜美的泉水!它也不喝,当它正悠然自在地飞翔时,地上正好有一只猫头鹰,刚抓了一只臭老鼠!猫头鹰以为要来抢夺自己的臭老鼠!就抢先地向怒叫一声。我说惠施啊。你该不会拿魏相来对我怒叫吧、庄子说完!就笑着看惠施。 惠施觉得非常惭愧,不好意思地对庄子说:这这是我以小人之心度君子之腹!让我以酒宴向你赔罪吧。!





