畅意阁 >风水知识



牡羊座——牡羊座(おひつじざ)OHITUJIZA 金牛座——牡牛座(おうしざ)OUSHIZA 双子座——双子座(ふたござ)FUTAGOZA 巨蟹座——蟹座(かにざ)KANIZA 狮子座——狮子座(ししざ)SHISHIZA 处女座——乙女座(おとめざ)OTOMEZA 天秤座——天秤座(てんびんざ)TENBINZA 天蠍座——蠍座(さそりざ)SASORIZA 射手座——射手座(いてざ)ITEZA 魔羯座——山羊座(やぎざ)YAGIZA 水瓶座——水瓶座(みずがめざ)MIZUGAMEZA 双鱼座——鱼座(うおざ)UOZA, ,,


  惑星(わくせい)     水星(すいせい)2418・金星(きんせい)・地球(ちきゅう)・火星(かせい)・木星(もくせい)・土星(どうせい)・天王星(てんおうせい)・海王星(かいおうせい)・冥王星(めいおうせい)     十二星座(じゅうにせいざ):   おうしざ【牡牛座】   ふたござ【双子座】   かにざ【蟹座】   ししざ【狮子座】   おとめざ【乙女座】   てんびんざ【天秤座】   さそりざ【蝎座】   いてざ【射手座】   やぎざ【山羊座】   みずがめざ【水瓶座】   うおざ【鱼座】,

日语 射手怎么说.

  ストライカー(su to ra i ka a)   前锋的意思,是英语striker的音译   射手しゃしゅ(sya syu)、在汉语里是“射箭7364的人”的意思!星座日语怎么说。


  我妈妈的星座是巨蟹座My monther's constellation is cancerMy mother's sign is CancerMy mother zodiac sign is Cancer!


  Aries 牡羊 Mar. 21 - April 19   Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November.     Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20   Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December.     Gemini 双子 May 21 - June 21   Gemini the Twins is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January.     Cancer 巨蟹June 22 - July 22   Cancer the Crab is a Winter Constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February.     Leo 狮子July 23 - Aug. 22   Leo the Lion is a Winter constellation, and can be best viewed in the night during the month of March.     Virgo 处女 Aug. 23 - Sept. 22   Virgo the Virgin is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed during the month of April.     Libra 天秤 Sept. 23 - Oct. 23   Libra the Scales is a Spring constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of May.     Scorpio 天蝎 Oct. 24 - Nov. 21   Scorpio   the Scorpion is a Spring constellation with an astronomical name of   Scorpius, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of   June.     Sagittarius 射手 Nov. 22 - Dec. 21   Sagittarius the Archer is a Summer constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month July.     Capricorn 摩羯 Dec. 22 - Jan. 19   Capricorn   the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of   Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of   August.     Aquarius......余下全文>>,


  是人名吗。因为有姓双的!   双子葱日文写法同中文,但双要用繁体字“双”。  8182 平假名:そうしそう   罗马音:sou si sou,。


  Virgo(the Virgin)处女座、


双:ダブル 鱼:鱼 座:ブロック 双鱼座:鱼座 ?


  双子星公主日译《ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫》!英译:《The Twin Princesses of a Wonder Star》大陆版片名(第一季):《神秘星球★孪生公主》、TVB粤语版:《不可思议星球的双胞胎公主》或《双子星公主》、《双子星公主》是一部人气日4746本少女动漫!在故事中、不可思议星球发生的种种事情总是那么不可思议!在这部动漫中、有轻松的语言!搞笑的话语!有最美妙的变身?甚至有华丽的真爱……无论是小孩还是大人!都能从这部动漫0937中找到乐趣,法音和莲音先后成为:不起眼儿公主, 闪亮公主、命运公主!恒久太阳公主、银河星愿公主,宇宙公主!粤语版:0059太阳公主。命运公主!永恒公主!环球公主。!


  十二支(じゅうにし):   子(シ) ね 鼠   丑(チュウ) うし 牛   寅(イン) とら 虎   卯(ボウ) う 兎   辰(シン) たつ 竜   巳(シ) み 蛇   午(ゴ) うま 马   未(ビ) ひつじ 羊   申(シン) さる 猿   酉(ユウ) とり 鶏   戌(ジュツ) いぬ   亥(ガイ) い 猪,





