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急求英语介绍十二生肖animal sign?

  The year of your birth does not just indicate your age! According to the Chinese system of Astrology, the year of birth indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty-year cycle of time. Three systems are used for counting and classifying the years: The ten Heavenly Stems, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve Animals. The exact origins of the twelve animal system remain unknown. However, legend has it that, once upon a time, the Jade King was bored, having nothing to do in Heaven. He did not see what was happening on Earth, as he had servants satiating his every wish and desire. He decided that he wanted to see the animals that inhabited the earth so he sent word to his advisors to bring him twelve animals (which he considered to be a good sampling.) The advisor first sent an invitation to the Rat, telling him to also bring the cat. The Rat's jealousy prevented the cat from actually receiving the invitation. Further invitations were sent on to the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Ram, the Monkey, the Rooster and the Dog, asking for their presence at the palace the following day. When they lined up in front of the king, he found that they numbered only eleven, instead of twelve as he had requested. The king sent his servant down to Earth to retrieve a twelfth animal. The servant ran into a man carrying a Pig, and he hastily grabbed it and delivered it to the king. The animals stood in front of the king in no particular ord......余下全文>>。


  The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance two trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus. regarding the good and evil two extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individuality.Generally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyful.The libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the smooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth!


  子鼠!丑牛!寅虎、卯兔,辰龙、巳蛇,午马、未羊。申猴,酉鸡、戌狗,亥猪,Sub-Rat, ugly cow, Yin Tiger, Mao rabbit, Chenlong, had snakes, Wu Ma, no sheep, Shen monkey, rooster, dog Xu, Hai Pig. (子:为 、3071像孩子在襁褓之中!子的本义为:幼小的。卵,古代指儿女、二十三点至一点为子时、正是夜深人静的午夜时分,正0139是今明两天的临界!也可以说「明天」这个「9073产儿」就要诞生。或者已在襁褓之中!子时!是孕含9264着什么孵化着什么的时刻,   丑:为 ,「扭」的本字,像手指抓住一物而扭动。扭,也作转动讲。子时过后。一点至三点为丑时,夜正深,但「第二天」已经开始了!无形之中。似乎有一只大手在转动天体--夜幕即将被转过去!白天即将被扭过来、   寅:为 、有说像黄泉欲出!又说像双手捧矢!即「0753引」的古字。引、可释为牵引、引导、引起、离开!黎明前的三点至五点为寅时。正是黑夜即将离开!熹微即被牵引而来的时刻、   卯:为 ! !有说为冒。像开门之形!又有 之体。又说像断物形,为刘的本字!黎明时分的五点至七点为卯时、天亮了。太阳冒出来了!人7975家的门该打开了!卯时、黑,白不再混淆。而是断然分开的!   辰:为 、有0403说像贝壳形。「 」的本字、又说为「 」、有 之体、我以为它有托9501出云气之意,云2033气之上有日。为「晨」!无日,则云气弥漫!夏日的早晨!七点至九点!大雾茫茫、   巳:为 ! !有说像胎儿形突出头部和蜷曲的身体。又说为蛇的象形、上午九点至十一点,雾气消失,正是暖3742融融的时刻!蛇从洞5180穴中爬出来了?   午:为 ! 。有说像木杵之形、「杵」的本字、又说为「牾」,抵牾为矛盾。将一木杵立在日光下。木杵没有影子?因为日光是从头顶之上照射下来的!古人依形造字,又依形取义!以形,义命物、由此,日中的时候!即十一点至十三点为午时!   未:为 、 !像树木枝叶重叠,物长成后才有滋味。「味」的本字。午后十三点至十五点未时,示意只有经过阳光的强烈照射、树木才会枝繁叶茂!果子才能成熟、成熟的果子、才会有滋有味、   申:为 , 、有说像闪电形,又说为「神」。0418十五点至十七点!风雨带着闪电和雷鸣来了,古人不知闪电和雷鸣为何物。以为神在天上为之、   酉:为 ! ,像装酒的坛子,「酒」的本字,十七点至十九点,傍晚时分、劳作了一天,此时正是吃饭的时候、8213就简称「酒时」吧,   戌:为 , ,人,戈会意、指人持戈(武器)守护,十九0395点至二十一点!酒足饭饱以后。一家老小该入睡了!但是不能大意、还要预防外敌或野兽的侵害、所以要手持武器进行护卫?   亥: 、 !有说像猪!「豕」字的变体,有草根-说,二十一点至二十三点,主人被猪拱槽的声音搅醒了--要想猪肥!就得夜半起身给它添食,此外!草根与植物的块7458茎有关!那是猪的饲料,   十二时辰的十二个字,竟是记述并描绘了一幅夏日的古代农家生活作息图!就连自然景观也2882历历在目、可谓言简意赅,   从出土文物来看!早在殷商时期就已经有了以天干、地支计纪岁2369的方法,干,支先用来纪日、后来发展为纪月!纪年,   那么。十二时辰是怎么与十二生肖相结合的呢,   观天象的最佳时机应是夜深人静,繁星满天的时候,子夜时分(二十三点至一点),古人(天文学家或道家)仰望天空良久、忽然听得周围有细碎的声音,低头一看!原来是老鼠在活动,天长日久,古人发现鼠类出没频繁的时刻是子时。于是。子时便与鼠联系在一起!成了「子鼠」、并按一天的起始。排在属相的第一位、   「马无夜草不肥」?牛当然也是如此!农2271家以牛耕田,喂好牛0598是农家的大事,丑时(一点至三点)!农家自会起身喂牛,牛与丑时联系在一起,便成了「丑牛」,   凌晨三点至五点。昼伏夜行的虎最凶猛、农家常常会在此时听到不远处传来虎啸声。于是,虎与寅时相联系。有了「寅虎」,   五点至七点。天亮了,兔子跑出窝,去吃带着露水的青草?于是、兔子与卯时相联系。便6328有了「卯兔」,   七点至九点。是容易起雾的时刻、据说龙能腾云驾雾!大雾之中才会「神龙见尾不见首」、不过龙是传说中的动物,或者说是人用几种动物的「零件」拼凑起来的「人造动物」,在现实中看不到,只有大雾蒙蒙之中!人们才会产生龙的幻象。如此,龙才会在辰时的雾中「出现」、龙和2870辰时相联系?便有了「辰龙」,   九点至十一点,大雾散去、艳阳当空、体温不恒定的蛇从洞穴中爬出来晒太阳!无论有毒还2704是没有毒的蛇!都是可怕的!蛇最活跃的时刻?便是「巳时」,在造字时。「巳」被画成了一条蛇的象形!「巳蛇」。是天然地联系在一起的!   十一点至十三点,烈日当头、这「烈」!使人想到了人类「得力助手之一」的马、红鬃烈马是良驹,但它的性子就像午时的太阳一样火烈!马与午时相联系、就有了「午马」!   十三点至十五点。未时。!




  Aries   you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.   youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.   Taurus   you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person.   you are patient and do not give up easily.   Gemini   you are a curious and clever person .you are outgoing.you love to talk.   Cancer   you are kind.you love your homeand family and like to take care of others.you like saving money and cooking.   Leo   you are a strong and confident person .youare generous. you like to buy your friends nice gifts.   Virgo   you are a modest person .you worry too much at times.you are practical and you always pay attention to details.   Libra   youare a polite and fair person .   you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.   Scorpio   you are a powerful person and have lots of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humour .you are often lucky.   you love tavelling to different places.   Capricorn   you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   you are kind and wise.you have many friends.however,some people think that you are strange as you hate to be like anyone else and you try everything just to be different.   Pisces   you are geners ,kind,gentleandeasy-going.you are also creative and imaginative.you like to dream about everything.。



狮子的英语介绍 15分

  Lion make me afraid .   It is a the biggest fo forest animals.   It is yellow and gold that was very beautiful!   What a beautiful animals!!


  Taboo Behaviour taboo: \ \ With the index finger means, Hold the fist fight with another only in the open palm, or cinch fist, thumb inserted between the index and middle fingers were considered extremely impolite action. \ \ Do not Chaiyao hands, because it is angry that. \ \ In Singapore, as spiritual head of the host, the first touch others would have suffered a sense of insult. Do not touch the children especially in the first. Do not hug in public places or kissing anyone. \ \ Do not chopsticks when eating a bowl or on a plate with vegetables, when not, and do not cross display, should be placed on trays, soy sauce dish, or put the plate on the bone slices. \ \ For sailors, fisherman or other hobbies are boating with the seats, not to the half-eaten plate of fish reversed, as it would herald the ship capsizing, we should remove the fish bone from the top to eat below. \ \ New Year is not discredited, shampoo, it will be good luck Saodiao wash; things do not break the house, especially not to break the mirror because it would herald a family split or other unfortunate things; do not wear old clothing, no needles and scissors, they would bring bad luck. \ \ Digital bogey Ban \ \ Singaporeans are "4", "6", "7", "13" and "37" and "69" is a negative figure, which most disgusting "7", usually try to avoid this figure. \ \ Ban bogey color: \ \ As for the wretched black Singaporeans, the fate of color, purple unwelcome. \ \ Their preference for red, the red for the solemn, warm, stimulating, exciting, a symbol of courage and tolerance. \ \ They also welcomed blue and green. \ \ Logo bogey Ban: \ \ Singaporeans on the packaging of goods prohibited in the use of some other types of Buddha images, are not permitted to use religious terminology. Taboo pig, turtle patterns. \ \ Talk taboo: \ \ Singapore bogey "Kung Hei Fat Choy" that "fortune" with the word "fortune", rather than the "windfall" is ill-gotten gains. \ \ . Gift gifts: \ \ Singaporeans believe that the presence of the gifts of open gifts is impolite and, therefore, when you saw告辞gifts intact on the side of millions of Biejianguai. \ \ Gifts with the local gift items can be general can be sent seasonal fruit or other food items. \ \ Sometimes can send cassette tapes, book, etc.. \ \ Smoking Notes: \ \ In Singapore, people are not in favour of smoking. In the elevator, public transport, cinemas, especially in government office buildings, the law provides for no-smoking, and offenders fined. \ \ Best to smoking with the consent of the other. \ \!









