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  你好。望采纳、谢谢     十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.1 双子座   IQ指数:130   双子天生聪明,反应敏捷,文武双全、对各样新奇事物都有兴趣去了解,使自己的思维不断扩大!他们足智多谋!擅长沟通,容易令人明白自己的意念、8272以及影响别人的思路,况且凡事都懂一点的表现、令人崇拜,这些优点可能是因为双子有两个脑袋吧。   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.2 射手座   IQ指数:125   射手的智慧多数发挥在学东西方面,尤其是语言。很快上手、问题分析这环较 弱!往往都有好主意、好办法。而且懂得把握机会!将自己多方面的才华尽量显 露于别人眼前、受人赞赏,   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.3 天蝎座   IQ指数:120   基本上天蝎是属于聪明那类的!但要视乎用在好还是坏的方面了、聪明的智慧用在好的地方。成绩会大得惊人!因为他有克服障碍的能力;相反、用在坏的方面 。就真是世界大乱啦,因为他们会好狡猾、残忍及阴险!是杀人放火的高手   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.4 金牛座   IQ指数:110   金牛能冷静分析每件事的好与坏、他们很懂得保护自己,与第一次见面的人会保持距离。先观察一下对方有什么任何企图!确定了对方是安全无害后,才会放心与人沟通、想捉弄金牛都挺难的!除非你是捉弄人的专家!   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.5 处女座   IQ指数:105   处女有冷静分析的头脑、是处理棘手问题的高手!做每件事之前都要经过严谨仔 细的考虑。才敢下手。以免犯错、可能由于过分细心、3757所以动作通常都好慢,即使头脑转得够快!但动作永远都配合不到、有些浪费天赋的智慧?   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.6 摩羯座  4150 IQ指数:102   摩羯好顽固?又独断独行。可能以为自己的智慧足够聪明地去应付一切。所以任 何事都不能抱着客观的态度去分析,聪不聪明这件事不是你自己决定。而是别人 的认为!别人会由你做事的结果。来断定你是否真的聪明!   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.7 水瓶座   IQ指数 :102 水瓶好顽固,又独断独行。可能以为自己的智慧足够聪明地去应付一切,所以任 何事都不能抱着客观的态度去分析。聪不聪明这件事不是你自己决定,而是别人 的认为、别人会由你做事的结果。来断定你是否真的聪明、   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.8 狮子座   IQ指数:100   狮子自视过高、过分自满,难以接受别人8246的批评!他们在体谅别人。讲道理方面比较差,有组织计画的头脑!却没有化解细节与问题的技巧!分配及命令别人的能力就很强、但分析及变通能力则较弱?   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.9 天秤座   IQ指数:95  2396 天秤有一个优柔寡断的缺点。即使他有多的高智慧也好,永远都是手不对心,遇 到问题就更加不用讲!绝对是没建设性的决定!有无智慧就真的要问他们自己才 知道了、皆因他们懒散的态度就让人觉得他们是笨笨的!   十二星座学习成绩排名   NO.10 巨蟹座   IQ指数:90   巨蟹一般都不了解自己的个性、可能被天生的慈爱及敏感遮住了眼睛!事实上、他们的想像力非常丰富!应该是个聪明人!只不过整天用错地方、将自己的智慧运8749用得不适当,被自己的9772本能反应搞到受伤害。   十二星座学习成绩排名    NO.11 白羊座   IQ指数 :80   白羊座性子过急?做事虽然果断!但往往都3857会把事情看得太简单,而且情绪反应强烈、喜欢时就大笑。不喜欢时就大哭?给人一......余下全文>>!




  Pisces     The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel trapped[1] when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a piscean can make the best of[2] a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.   Pisces and winter is the zodiac constellation last. This is one of the people have their own unique way of silence. All happened in the world of your things, and even a strong interest in it is unreal. This thinking thought, makes you a tight mysterious aura, attracted a lot of people. You are in another kind of tide way to make money is totally ignorant, or sometimes pollution problem dishonesty. Pisces warm, flexibility and mysterious. A general idea of the poetic mood, inner sensitivity of the mysterious,




  双鱼座:Venus with a beloved American spirit sons - little Cupid, dressed up, ready to take part in a luxurious banquet. At this banquet, all the participants who are the gods of soil, described as a "god of the feast" A goddess who play more than a search for the beautiful, who also do not want other people to inferior: The public men of God who is the staff of a wine glass, small groups in the rhetoric. The naughty children have long since been Annaibuzhu, playing hide and seek coming. Climax when the whole party, we all revel in the delicious food, and drink in the fragrant, suddenly came an uninvited guest, destroy the whole party atmosphere. The uninvited guest, has a very ferocious appearance, and the evil heart, he appeared at the banquet purpose is to destroy it, it is apparently, he has achieved this objective was. He reached the tables of food furnished to overthrow, put potted plants Shuaixiang pool, also with a terrible expression, frightened by the presence of each participant. People began to flee, had a good dinner, actually become so panicked, screaming, children crying endless. This time, Venus suddenly found Jupiter disappeared, her tense around to look, but also the presence of uninvited guests who gave up, and Venus looked in every corner of the banquet, and finally under the piano, found already rip have had diarrhea trembling Jupiter, Venus, Cupid can not help but quickly will tightly in his arms. Cupid with her in order to prevent re-separated, Venus was a way to use a rope to tie together the feet of two people, and then turned into two fish, this way, the successful escape from this terrible The banquet was. 处女座:Agriculture goddess Demeter and Zeus had a daughter Puxifenni the Great, one day Puxifenni pick flowers in the wild, there are flowers beautiful flowers Masamori never seen open, just as her hand to Abstract, the ground suddenly Rupture in a good few, Puxifenni to stop. Mother, Demeter, also vowed to recover the missing daughter around them. See everything through the sun god Helios told Demeter is due to Pluto Haides For married Puxifenni wife, and her back ground, Demeter sadness over Plants can wither, the earth is not a hair of Health. Zeus to see the serious situation, is to Haides intercede, but Haides go in Puxifenni when she took the Underworld pomegranate to eat, Puxifenni because they can leave, happy to eat four, the result was forced to four months a year to stay in the Underworld, which four months into the winter today, things should not be farming, Puxifenni a return to earth is the spring, Demeter is the embodiment of Virgo.双鱼座的英语成绩好吗,


  特别 好、好到适合做朋友、不适合恋爱!因为他们对所有人都好。,




  双鱼座和摩羯座   配对评分: 90 非常理想的一对     星座比重: 44:56     解析:     双鱼在十二星座里是个十分诱人的星座!他们天生体贴?温柔又细腻的特性?使人很容易就产生好感、摩羯6420对这类异性,通常会很中意!事实上。摩羯和鱼儿都属阴性星座、在星座个性上一强一弱、比重上又一弱一强、搭档起9076来挺速配的! 摩羯较重视实际利益。像老牛似的脚踏实地,一步一脚印。而鱼儿却时刻陶醉在幻想之中、十足属於嫩草型。按理说两人不怎么搭轧!可是您们这组可比作“老牛吃嫩草”的类型,却正巧是爱与被爱、互0054补有加的组合!尤其是男摩羯对女鱼、更是相辅相成的令人艳羡,     注意事项:     摩羯的您总是很早即确定目标、努力向前,有时严肃刻板到会压得旁人喘不过气、鱼儿的浪漫温情和牺牲无我的精神!正是摩羯所欠缺及需要的。自然会比其他爱慕者更珍惜鱼儿。而您本身稳定的个性也可使鱼儿有安全感,不过。纵然爱情令人发昏、您还是该清楚鱼儿爱作梦的本性、有时会让您吃不消、与其对那些不切实际的梦想嗤之以鼻,不如给他实际的支持与提醒!通常3595对神勇无比。青年才俊,能干贤慧的摩羯座来说?虽不一定是易如反掌,倒也有可能手到擒来。 鱼儿可以事事以您1066为中心。使您的虚荣心完全得到满足。不过、对他们的优柔寡断,和三分钟热度、摩羯也该有心理准备,他们的能力不低!也能承受您给予的压力,可是自己的意志力却不如您。您必须记住:不要以您“不正常”的忍耐程度去衡量鱼儿!另外,鱼儿因诚实面对自己的感情、常会顺性发展,结果很可能造成容易坠入情网或恋情不断、这一点得靠摩羯以坚定的情感来稳固彼此的爱情,才有未来哟,!


智慧很高!具有很好的管理和组织能力、善于理财,注重物质享受。充满自信。能力强!敢负责任。个性坚强,优点是多才多艺!有条理、擅长财务和管理。忠诚!值得信赖!缺点是太注重威权!缺乏弹性、太物质主义, 纯真无邪的心是您独有的魅力!掳获了2698不少人的心!同时亦容易被人利用、有时您会无缘无故地感到寂寞哀伤,希望得到别人的关注!但是您不懂得分辨人心好坏。反而惹来更大的伤害! 〖花箴言〗: 当见到满山杜鹃盛开。就是爱神降临的时候! 。





