畅意阁 >风水知识



  Attitude   The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.   Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do.   It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, and a home.   The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.   We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is to play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.   I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.   随着岁月的增长?我越来越意识到态度对生活的强大影响力,   对我而言!态度比行动重要、比经历!教育,金钱,环境,失败,成功,比人们能想到或做到的任何事或物!都要重要。   态度比外表!天赋、技巧更加重要!它可以建立起公司!教堂和家庭。也可以使之毁灭、  2171 可贵的是,每天我们都有机会选择以何种态度度过4046这一天,   我们不能改变我们的过去。不能改变人们会以某种特定的方式去做事这一事实?我们唯一能做的就是把握我们的态度!   我坚信。生命中所发生的种种只占据我生命的10%、而另外的90%则是由我如何对其做出反应所决定的。所以,真正起决定作用的是你自己。3470我们应对自己的态度负责?。




  I'm Taurus.     Taurus这个词既代表金牛座又代表金牛座的人。所以可以直接这么说咯~   互  1801 同一个世界!同一个梦想:One world, one dream.,




  十二生肖   [名] Chinese Zodiac;   [例句]在中国有十二年的周期!每年都有一只不同的动物(十二生肖),   In Chinese there is a cycle of twelve years, each with a different animal.金牛座英文短文、

想在后背纹身 求推荐一句简短好看的英文 我是金牛座 喜欢过一个天蝎男 我想悬赏很多哒 但是只有24 40分



  Aries 白羊座, Taurus 金牛座, Gemini 双子座, Cancer 钜蟹座, Leo 狮子座, Virgo 处女座, Libra 天平座, Scorpio 天蝎座, Sagittarius 射手座, Capricorn ,摩羯座, Aquarius 水瓶座, Pisces 双鱼座   符号在下面的连接:   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Astro_signs.gif     PS:   那就使Sgr啦~   请看下面:   英文名称:Sagittarius   英文简写:Sgr   位置:东经19.0 h 北纬 -25 o   最亮主星: 箕宿三 ( Kaus Australis )   重要天体: M8!M17!M20、M22    最佳观测:七至八月   中国星座: 箕宿,斗宿。天渊   大小排名: 15     射手座又称人马座处是黄道十二宫的第九个星座。位於天蝎座和7813摩羯座之间,周围较重要的星座还有蛇夫座,巨蛇座,天鹰座及南冕座等,太阳於每年的十二月十八日至一月3677十九日行经射手座?故冬至点亦落在这个星座中,在中国星座中!射手座裏有六颗星和北斗七星一样成一斗状!称为「南斗六星」。射手座在希腊神话中是一只上半身为人。下半身为马的怪兽!它是箭术的发明者。所以天空中的射手座是它张弓准备射箭的样子、如左图:     射手座最亮的星是射手 e 星「箕宿三」!英文学名为 Kaus Australis ( 阿拉伯语意为「南弓 ( Southern bow )」)?亮度 1.9、呈蓝白色。距地球有 88 光年!射手 e 与 d 及 l 等构成人马所持的弓。射座第二亮星为射手 s 星「斗宿四」( 英文名字是 Nunki ),亮度 2.0,呈蓝白色,此星在人马拉弓的1918右手手掌处!亦是南斗六星中最亮的一颗。Nunki 在古巴比轮时代被称做「在海洋尽头的星星」,而这裏指的海是指射手座以?brvbar;的天空。包涵了「水瓶座」,「摩羯座」、「海豚座」。「双鱼座」!「鲸鱼座」及「南鱼座」等范围!不难看出1482这些星座都和「水」有关!再来特别要介绍的是射手 b 星「天渊一」!肉眼看过去亮度为 3.9、它是一颗聚星。但其成员星彼此没有关连,和地球的距离也都不相同!不过肉眼看过去像似两颗亮度4321分别为 4.0 及 4.3 的远距双星?即 b 星「天渊一」及 b1 「天渊二」、     射手座在天文观测上是一个很重要5995的星座。因为我们银河系的中心正好位於射手座的方向,所以观测射手座时!我们可以看见银河正通过射手座的西侧!若用望远镜观察此方向上的银河、会发现恒星特别的密集,而且射手座的几个较亮的星星位於这部份!而这域亦是星云星团观测的宝库。其中最受摄影者喜爱的有 M8 「礁湖星云 ( Lagoon Nebula )」!M17 「亚米茄星云 ( Omega Nebula )」和 M20 「三裂星云 ( Trifid Nebula )」。其中 M8-礁湖星云用肉眼就可见到!在射手 l 星的西方。是银河中的亮星云!星云中还包含一星团。礁湖星团宽度约为满月的三倍。距地球约有 5200 光年,而星团部份,最亮的是 M22 星团。位在射手 l 星4971的?brvbar;方不远处,这是天空中0955第三亮的球状星团,在良好的天候下用肉眼也可看见!大小约为满月的三分之二!疏散......余下全文>>?


  星座-Horoscop   Aquarius水平座-January20-February18   Pisces双鱼座-February19-March20   Aries白羊座=March21-April19   Taures金牛座-April20-May20   Gemini双子座-May21-June21   Cancer巨蟹座-June22-July22   Leo狮子座-July23-August22   Virgo处女座-August23-September22   Libra天秤座-September23-October23   Scorpio天蝎座-October24-November22   Sagittarius射手座-November23-December21   Capricorn魔歇座-December22-January19!

关于12生肖的来源 我要英文的

  It is said Buddha (the ultimate Emperor for the whole universe in Chinese legend) once called together all the animals on the earth for an important meeting. Only twelve animals turned up: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig. The rat, being the smartest, jumped on top of the ox to be the first one to arrive.     As a reward, the Buddha gave each animal a year in the cycle and declared that anyone born in that year would resemble the animal in some way. In addition, each two hours of the day is also governed by one animal. The hours of 11pm to 1:00 am is by Rat, from 1 am to 3 am by Ox and so on. Six elements of the planet: wood, fire, air, water, gold and earth are also integrated into the animalZodiacsigns,   希望你能喜欢并且学会,共享!


  car 英[kɑ:(r)] 美[kɑr] n. 汽车; 轿车; 车厢; [例句]He had left his tickets in his car他把票忘在车里了![其他] 复数:cars?







