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谁有小品《算命》的剧本 急求!!!! 收到直接给分。

  英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)   T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear   Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly)   Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!   Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal.   Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you   Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you.   Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now.   Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t belive her. I’m the king of the forest here.   Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest.   Tiger: Ok. Let’s go.   Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a turnip. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out.   Bird: I’m a bird.   Rabbit: Hi!   Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit Can I help you   Rabbit: Yes, please.   Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing here What can I do for you   R&B: Yes, come on!   Frog : Ok! I’m coming!   Bear: I’m a big brown bear. Hello, everyone! What are you doing here   R,B&F: Come on! Come on! Mr. Bear! You are so strong. Please come here. There is a big turnip. We are all puling it out. Please come and help us.   Bear: Ok! I’m coming.   Fox: Hello, Bear!   Bear: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)   Fox: Hello, Frog!   Frog: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)   Fox: Hello, Bird!   Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)   Fox: Hello, Rabbit!   Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)   Fox: Tiger, Now, you see. They are so frightened! They all run away!   Tiger: Yes, you are right. It’s true. I’m very sorry. You are the king of the forest. That’s all right. I will run away. He is the king. He is the king.   Fox: Wa! There is a big turnip. Now, the turnip belongs to me.、

求赵本山小品《算命》剧本全本,就是四个人演的那个,里面有个演算命的托的那个,还有一男一女是相亲的 50分


求赵本山小品《算命》剧本全本,就是四个人演的那个,里面有个演算命的讬的那个,还有一男一女是相亲的 50分

上淘宝看看有没有! ,




5458  TA们不太记仇!不太会发火,若你真的惹到他们,你完了,,、他们会在和你吵架的时候!翻出旧账!一件一件跟你慢慢算、这些仇就算死他们也会记得,








  很极端很暴躁只能说明他心性还未成熟 并不是所有白羊男都是这样的 想当初我也是这样的 但经历的挫折多了便能控制自己的情绪了!


 1206 轻者吵闹!重者夫妻一方会因对方或病或死...所以有句话叫做:家有贤配,自己不遭横祸. 者都是古人千年的生活总结.. 现在很多高文化人研究八字的、本人也是!不过 其余很多人依然认为这是迷信、所以看你自己信多少了...不和愚者辨..。





